my italian friends always pour beer when they cook pork chops, somehow it makes the pork softer and it doesnt taste of beer afterwards. It smells nice too :)
I know Kiwi, pineapple and papaya all have the special enzyme that makes meat tender. Besides pork, it can be applied to different meat.
From a food show on TV, they mentioned another way for tenderizing thick (1-1.5") pork chop: marinate the pork chop with salt and pepper, then put it into the low heat oven (around 80-100F) for 1/2 hour, so that the special enzyme that is already on the meat would be activated and tenderizes the meat. After that we can take the pork chop out and finish the cooking on the stove: sear it with a hot pan, or whatever way we want to cook it.
Also your advice on adding water (or brine would be better) to the meat would help to make the meat juicier. But I'm not sure if it would make the meat tender.
怎樣煮豬扒夠鬆軟?How about brining pork chops? It works for me on chops, chicken breast or any tough cuts of meat. Here's more on how to brine foods at Look for video "Brine Me a Dinner". Enjoy!
回覆刪除try using a little bit of baking soda, it kinda helps to break down the tissue
回覆刪除您好, 我也很怕處理豬扒, 於"開心大發現"節目介紹用日本綠芥未醃肉類會很鬆軟, 我試過醃羊肉, 牛肉都成功, 但未試過醃豬肉, 大家不妨一試.
回覆刪除I made good pork by following these steps.
回覆刪除Iris shasha
我是在豬扒切好之後慢慢加水,一邊用手捏肉,讓肉把水吸收,最後才加調味料,如果要加油,要在其他調味料都拌勻之後才加。炒肉片的豬肉我也是這樣處理,以前我會加一點點baking soda,肉真的也會變軟,但是後來看到有人說baking soda對身體不好,後來就部加了,加水的效果也是不錯。
回應Meaow Meaow:
To Emma,
I haven't tried this method before. Surely, will experiment it.
回應vai ha ung:
To Joanne:
It's a very good blog to teach cooking. Thanks for your pointing us.
回應Iris shasha:
回覆刪除可以加洋蔥絲一起醃, 效果很鬆軟的, 如果不吃洋蔥, 煎之前除去洋蔥就可以了.
my italian friends always pour beer when they cook pork chops, somehow it makes the pork softer and it doesnt taste of beer afterwards. It smells nice too :)
回覆刪除I know Kiwi, pineapple and papaya all have the special enzyme that makes meat tender. Besides pork, it can be applied to different meat.
回覆刪除From a food show on TV, they mentioned another way for tenderizing thick (1-1.5") pork chop: marinate the pork chop with salt and pepper, then put it into the low heat oven (around 80-100F) for 1/2 hour, so that the special enzyme that is already on the meat would be activated and tenderizes the meat. After that we can take the pork chop out and finish the cooking on the stove: sear it with a hot pan, or whatever way we want to cook it.
Also your advice on adding water (or brine would be better) to the meat would help to make the meat juicier. But I'm not sure if it would make the meat tender.
怎樣煮豬扒夠鬆軟?How about brining pork chops?
回覆刪除It works for me on chops, chicken breast or any tough cuts of meat. Here's more on how to brine foods at Look for video "Brine Me a Dinner". Enjoy!
切幾片蘋果一起醃肉也可以, 因為水菓中帶有菓酸, 可以令肉質軟化啊, 蘋果很易買, 價錢亦便宜, 是一位很懂得烹調的男性朋友告訴我的, 以前試過這個方法來醃豬扒, 煎出來的豬排很鬆軟亦帶點淡淡的蘋果香味, 效果很不錯呢~ 姖絲汀不妨一試啊 :)
回覆刪除balsamic vinegar to tenderize meat
回覆刪除What is the English of 梅頭? Thx
@Kelvin Chan:
回覆刪除澳洲這裏叫梅頭 “collar butt”,有些地方叫”shoulder butt“
回覆刪除西人廚師做的豬排, 一般都是放在烤爐上燒烤的. 根本就不會有什麼鬆軟的感覺. 還是東方人會放時間去鑽研