泡芙(Profiteroles)是法國著名甜品之一。可以是焗,或是炸。隨手把麵團放在焗盤焗出來的泡芙,有一種自然美,但也可用唧花袋,做出精緻的形狀。通常泡芙中間夾著忌廉 (奶油 cream),上面灑一些糖霜,或可可粉,或淋些朱古力醬,均是普遍的吃法。
這個甜品質感豐富,泡芙外脆內軟。雪糕滑,朱古力醬濃。如果泡芙剛放涼點,還是微暖的話,夾雜著冰凍的雪糕,口味十足。加上,基絲汀試驗混合 Nutella 榛子朱古力醬來做醬料,真是好吃到不得了。囡囡吃完一個,就即刻問:『還有沒有?』
做泡芙不難,但要拍攝這個甜品卻非常困難。因為天氣仍熱,拍了一兩張照片,雪糕已經開始溶解,而且溶得飛快呢。沒時間給這幾位泡芙主角擺 post,只能速戰速決。
基絲汀@簡易食譜類別: 烘培,甜品
菜系: 西式
分量: 可做 12個
- 麵粉(plain flour/all purpose flour) 110克
- 鹽 1/4茶匙
- 水 175毫升
- 無鹽牛油(無鹽奶油 unsalted butter 切細塊)75克
- 雞蛋(打散成汁) 3隻
- 雲呢拿雪糕(香草冰淇淋 vanilla ice cream) 酌量
- 黑朱古力 100克
- 榛子朱古力醬(Nutella)75克
- 鮮忌廉(whipping cream)70克
- 預熱焗爐至 200C (392F). 預備一個鋪了 baking paper 的焗盤。麵粉先過篩,與鹽混合,備用。
- 用一小鍋(最好用不黏底的),放入牛油和水,用中火煮至大滾(煮開)(見圖 1)。離火,即刻把全部麵粉混合物一次過倒進小鍋中。用木匙搞拌,約 1分鐘,直至麵粉成團,整個麵團可以刮離小鍋的狀態(見圖 2)。
- 把爐火轉至小火。置回小鍋在爐火上,繼續煮多 2分鐘。一邊煮,一邊用木匙拌勻。離火。
- 倒 1/3蛋汁(即一隻全蛋份量)入燙熱的麵團中,完全拌勻(見圖 3)。然後,再倒進另一隻蛋汁,再拌勻。每次加蛋汁,都要徹底拌勻。直至成一幼滑,有光澤的麵團。(註:你可能並不需要把所有蛋汁加進去)只要麵團是可用匙羹或筷子拿起,垂下來的麵團約有 4cm大小,就可以了(見圖 4)。
- 用兩隻匙羹把麵團分成 12個小麵團,排放在焗盤上。放入焗爐,焗約 10至 15分鐘,或直至麵團膨脹起來,把爐火降低到180C (356F),繼續焗 20至 30分鐘,直至表面黃褐色,就可以拿出焗爐。用一利刀,在每個小泡芙的側邊,切開一小縫,可讓中間的水汽溜走。放回焗爐,記得關閉爐火,打開焗爐門少許。讓小泡芙躺臥在焗爐裏面,乾乾身!
- 在焗泡芙期間,開始煮朱古力醬。
- 把黑朱古力,榛子朱古力醬和鮮忌廉放在一盤中,置在一小鍋水上,用小火,利用溫水的熱力溶解朱古力醬。放涼備用。
- 當泡芙放涼後,就在側面橫切一刀開半,不用切斷。
- 中間放入冰凍的雲呢拿雪糕,多少隨意。上面淋上朱古力醬,即成。
- 這個食譜的麵團沒加糖,因為配合雪糕和朱古力醬吃,已夠甜味。
- 泡芙能膨脹起來,其實是因為煮燙的麵團,吸收了許多水份。受熱後,裏面的氣體令麵團鬆脹起來。中間形成一個空心。
- 泡芙要焗得夠,所謂『要到位』,就不會下陷了。因此,焗泡芙期間,切勿打開焗爐,讓熱力散失。要看,就隔著玻璃焗爐門看,並留意焗泡芙的情況。
- 焗好的泡芙,拿出焗爐後,用刀在側邊割開一小縫,可讓裏面的濕氣完全乾透,好吃一點。
- 要吃泡芙的時候,才加雪糕和朱古力醬,須即製即吃!否則泡芙吸收水份,就不脆身囉!
回覆刪除nutella 是我囡囡的至愛之一 ^0^
Hi Christine, thanks for posting your recipes. I want to let you know how much my family and friends love your recipes. Now everything from my kitchen is yummy, how wonderful! Thanks for making me famous, haha... :D
回覆刪除I live in LA. I found your blog before Chinese New Year. I was so excited and wanted to try some dishes right away. I made HK style turnip cake first and I was amazed. I never liked turnip cake but your recipe had changed me. My husband is from HK and he loves your turnip cake too. Can you believe it… I made the cake 3 times a week for 2 weeks….we were so addicted to it. My husband is picky and never wants to have the same dish again in a week, but he would never say no to your radish cake. That made my life easier…heehee. I even told my husband(he is a physician) and his friends(doctors too) that they could eat your turnip cake for wt control ….a delicious and low calorie diet(yeah, they thought I was crazy! :p)
Your recipes are easy to follow. I have the confidence that I will have the same results as yours. That makes me happy, so I spend even more time in my kitchen now(my kitchen wants to thank you too.) Unlike another blogger in New Zealand, her photos always looked pretty but I failed 3 times following 3 different recipes. @_@ There was one evening I failed again and almost had nothing to put on the table…you know how embarrassing it could be….sorry, honey, give me another 30 min to make something else…. L I was sad for the waste and never wanted to see her blog again. I think it’s hard to be a good cook, but wanting, willing and ABLE to teach others to make great dishes is even more difficult. Sighs, I admire you!! *.* My husband is your fan too. He asked me to tell you that you saved our marriage….he was kidding, of course.
Your recipes also inspire me. I tried your 火腿蛋絲炒米粉, but added 1 tbp of curry powder to make it Singapore style. That dish looked good, smelled good and so popular. I also tried your 南瓜煎餅, but I used butternut squash instead of pumpkin. It turned out wonderful and became our sweet rice cake for the Chinese new year….yeah!! Another recipe we enjoy a lot is HK style 腸仔包 and 芝士煙肉麵包
. We love 湯種so much and I will not go back to my American bread recipes. I can live with this one for the rest of my life! I changed the 腸仔包 recipe a bit. I used Vienna sausage to make mini 腸仔包. Upon my husband’s request for the best taste, I added a slice of sweet gherkins. My husband and our picky 3 year-old boy were fighting for the last bun, of course the little boy wins every time. J As for 芝士煙肉麵包, I used shredded mozzarella cheese (I like white cheese) so it does not produce much air. I also have porchetta as a substitute for bacon. It seems to be less fattening but still compliments the flavor of cheese. I was afraid bacon would scare my friends away. These changes almost made the bread Italian. ;D
Hum, you probably think I talk a lot. Yes, as a consultant, I do talk a lot. I decided to leave you a message today because I see you posted a new recipe for ice cream puff. OMG, that is to die for. I don’t mind to have 3 puffs now then go on to my treadmill to run for an hour. I love cream puffs but thought they were difficult to make. Will follow your recipe carefully. The only recipes of yours that I was disappointed was 海南雞飯. It was plain…maybe I should rub more salt on the skin?! Most importantly, how come the rice could not be cooked through once I added the chicken stock?! I tried to add even more chicken stock, but that did not help. The rice was lack of spirit and did not stick together at all. We ended up skipping the rice and tried to enjoy the chicken. Maybe my Japanese rice cooker did not like anything but water?! It cooks good rice for me. Let me know if you have a solution for me. Thanks a lot!
回覆刪除Really glad to receive your message. It made my day too. Thanks a lot. I don't mind reading a long comment as such. :)
As for the 海南雞飯, the rice is cooked in the way as usual, just replace the water with the chicken stock. It's so weird if the rice couldn't be cooked through in a rice cooker. Hmmm... Could it be the built-in programme? Just a guess. Mine is also a Japanese rice cooker - Panasonic. It never fails me.
When you added more chicken stock, would the rice become too soggy?
If you cook 海南雞飯 next time and the rice is not cooked through in your rice cooker again, I suggest you turn the rice in a steamer or use a wok to steam the rice instead of adding more stock. You can fully control the heat and cooking time so that your rice should be cooked through without any problem.
Dear Christine,
是呀,麵圖不能煮得太熱/燙。你學得很快,見機行事~ 恭喜你成功。:)
Hi Christine, 有一些關於這款朱古力醬的問題想請教:
回覆刪除1. 若沒有Nutella,可用多少朱古力代替?
2. 是否可用於超市購買的一般黑朱古力?(因曾整無粉朱古力蛋糕用購於超市的一般黑朱古力,隔水助溶朱古力時分泌一層油份。)
3. 在烘焙材料店有一些需調溫的朱古力,跟普通朱古力的用處有何分別?
thanks in advance!
2.買那些用來煮食用的黑朱古力,含65-75%cocoa比較好些(視乎你喜歡的苦度)。那些含 butter或油份的其實不適合用來煮食用。
讚好, 我算已經成功焗好美味的泡芙了. 謝謝!!
Hi Christine,
我第一次整時時很成功,整第二次加了糖後就失敗了,不知何解全部變燶.整第三次同樣加糖及調較温度為150度時,面頭有少許燶但內裏發得不太夠. 不知何解.
Christine, 你好.
how many pcs can be made according to your recipe ? Thanks.
回覆刪除食譜上已寫『份量可做 12個』 :)