可做 4至 6個
- 香腸 4至 6條
- 高筋粉 350 克
- 糖 55 克
- 鹽 5 克
- 全蛋液 56 克
- 奶粉 7克 (增加香味,可不加)
- 牛奶 125毫升
- 湯種 (做法參考此食譜) 120 克
- 快速酵母(Instant Yeast)5至6克
- 牛油(奶油,置室溫放軟)30克 (待麵糰起筋,即成團後,才加入)

- 把所有材料(除牛油外)依次倒進麵包機(先放濕的材料,然後才放乾的材料):牛奶,蛋,湯種,鹽,糖,奶粉,高筋粉,最後放酵母。我習慣 在麵粉中央撥開一小洞,把酵母放進去。
- 選擇麵包機的 dough 功能,材料搞拌至成一麵團,就放進已融解的牛油,繼續搞拌,成一光滑麵團 (可測試麵團搓到是否合格程度,參考溫馨提示)。
- 當麵包機停機,等待麵團第一次發酵完畢,見麵團發大兩倍。就取出,放在清潔的工作台上,灑點高筋粉。
- 用手按壓麵團,擠出空氣。切割成四 (或六)等份,滾圓,收口朝下。用保鮮膜蓋著,靜置 15分鐘(見圖 2)。
- 把每個麵團分別搓成長條形約 41 cm長(視乎腸仔的長度),把腸仔捲起(見圖 3)。如是者,把所有腸仔分別捲好,放在鋪了 baking paper的焗盤上(見圖 4)。蓋上保鮮膜或濕布進行最後發酵,至兩倍大,約 45至 60分鐘。
- 塗上蛋汁,放入預熱至 180C (356F) 的焗爐中,焗約 35分鐘,直至轉金黃色為止。放在鐵架上放涼,即成。

- 可因應自己的口味選擇喜歡的香腸或腸仔。基絲汀用了 Continental Frankfurt (長約 14cm 是熱狗腸的長度).
- 如果沒有麵包機,可自己搓麵粉。請參考這篇麵包食譜。
- 可先測試麵團是否揉得合格:麵團可張開成一薄膜,而且堅韌。用手指用力可穿破成一圓洞,而不是不規則的破裂(見圖 1)。但切勿搓過度,否則麵團的筋會斷裂,就沒救囉。
- 搓好的麵團,就進行發酵。兩次足夠的發酵後,焗出的麵包就很軟綿了。

- 芝士煙肉麵包【湯種法】Bacon and Cheese Bread
- 椰蓉麵包【湯種法】Coconut Custard Buns
- 菠蘿包【湯種法】Pineapple Buns
- 蘋果吉士包【湯種法】 Apple Custard Buns
- 北海道牛奶麵包【湯種法】Hokkaido Milk Toast
- 提子核桃麵包【湯種法】 Raisin Walnut Bread
- 臻子朱古力號角包【湯種法】 Nutella Cream Horns
- 排包【超級軟綿湯種法】 Pai Bao
- 日式綠茶紅豆包【湯種法】 Japanese Green Tea Bread with Red Bean Fillings
- 湯種的煮法,使用和保存法【麵包秘訣】 Tips on Cooking Tangzhong
- 如何焗麵包夠軟綿【兩個要訣】Tips on Making Soft Bread
- 紅豆包【湯種法】Red Bean Buns
- 全麥麵包【湯種法】 Tangzhong Wholemeal Toast
回覆刪除Thanks all your kindness to share your recipes to us, this is so good. I try the butter cookie already, it's very good. Sorry, would you please teach us to make the 港式椰檳, I miss this so so much. I live in USA,I never try any good 椰檳. I think make by ourselves la! Please......!
回覆刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Can you tell me how to call 高筋粉 in English?
WOW!your saguage rolls look nice. I think you can put some syrup on top after baking, looks more shining too! All your recipes always give me idea what i am gonna to cook for dinner.Probably we are in the same state, easily to find similar grocery
To Amy,
Glad that you liked my cookies recipe. ^0^
To Grabie,
高筋粉 is bread flour.
To Becky,
Thanks for your suggestion. Next time I'll brush some syrup on top.
Thanks for your love of my recipes and letting me know. Great~
I tried to use 湯種 method to make this bread but the the bread flour is extremely sticky and very difficult to shape the flour. Can you tell me why?
回覆刪除To Evelyn,
回覆刪除After adding tangzhong, the dough is very sticky coz the moist of tangzhong causes. Need more effort and time to knead until it turns out not-so-sticky. (That's why I used a bread maker.)
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I did use a bread maker to knead but it still turns out very sticky. Or maybe I didn't sprinkle some flour when I take the dough out from the bread machine? Do I need to sprinkle alot of flour until it is not sticky?
Hi Evelyn,
回覆刪除You're right. Sprinkle some flour on table, then place your dough on it. Sprinkle some more on top to prevent from sticking to your hands while you knead and shape your dough.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Thanks for your prompt reply. I'm so glad that I came across your blog few months ago. In the past, my husband was the "Cook". Few months ago, his working hours was changed, so he was not able to make dinner for us. At the beginning, it was hard. But after I follow the recipes from your blog, no one believes that I'm a "newbie" in cooking. I didn't keep the secret, I just let them about your blog. This morning, I just gave the English version of your blog to one of my American friends.
hi Grabie,
回覆刪除Glad that you love my blog. Feel free to share with your friends...Share more, more love !
Happy cooking!
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I am not good at cooking at all but i do want to try this recipe b/c it looks very delicious! I am just wondering if i can replace high-gluten flour with all-purpose flour? or is it not a good idea. Thanks :)
To Domi,
回覆刪除It won't be as soft as those used bread flour. You can replace with all-purpose flour though.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I finally tried out the recipe! I used the bread machine for the process. After step 3, i tried to take the "dough" out. However, the "dough" turned out to be very liquidy, more like cupcake batter. I ended up adding back a lot of flour (around a cup) and finally it turned out to be like your dough. Is this normal? or maybe i have done something wrong? :P
Domi :)
Hi Domi,
回覆刪除the "dough" turned out to be very liquidy after step 3?
Yeah, something might have been wrong in the process that I haven't heard before.
luv ur recipes , thanks
回覆刪除Do uou add the instant yeast along other ingredients to the bread maker, or do you add it later when you take the dough out?
回覆刪除HI Christine,
回覆刪除Do you always use bread machine for your breads? Can you recommend a good one?
Also, do you know if the bread machine can make asian steamed buns like "marn tou" or "silver thread rolls"?
I would like to make all these breads, but making them manually is so tiring! and takes so much time, and doesn't guarantee success due to the weather.
Can i ask what does 湯種 do? and do i need it for steamed buns?
Love your website.
To 匿名,
回覆刪除I added the instant yeast along other ingredients. Pour in the wet ingredients first into your bread maker, then followed by dry ingredients. The second last one is the flour, on top of the flour, add yeast.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I tried to make the buns and it is tasty. However as the susage will expand in the oven when heated up and then collapse abit after cooling. This will leave big gap between the bread roll and susage. Do you know how I can make it more pretty like yours :P Thanks.
To Yvonne,
回覆刪除I just wrapped the sausages with the dough closely. The sausages didn't expand a lot. Hmm.. would you try other kinds of sausages when you bake this bread again?
Hi Christine, you are right. I will try..thanks lot!!
回覆刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Thank you so much for the wonderful HK bread recipe. I tried it last night and the family loves every bite of it. I doubled the quantity in your recipe to make a big batch. I was using a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer and the instruction menu told me to do the reverse(add dry ingredient first). Don't know if that makes any difference. But the dough was at first way too wet, somewhat resembled a cake batter. I had to add a few more cups of flour to get to the consistency of yours. I don't have a scale so I just googled for the measurement convertion(I am in the US). Thanks again for sharing, and I am your super fan!
To Bella,
回覆刪除Great to know you've got a big success in trying this recipe.
Kitchenaid stand mixer is very good and helpful. I got one too. :)
Thank you for letting me know how you went and liked this recipe. Happy for you !
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Just a quick question. Does the "Tong Chung" have to be refridgerated? I did it last time. But just curious if we could freshly make the Tong Chung and use it right away(maybe after cooling down a bit so it won't kill the yeast). Thanks again.
Hi Bella,
回覆刪除My friend always lets the tangzhong cool down after several hours, then uses it right away for making bread. But I always place it in fridge. I think it doesn't matter whether you chill it or not. Just make sure it cools down completely.
Hi, Christine, so much thanks for your recipe! I did it yesterday and the buns became very BIG after baking. I ate the last one this morning and the bun was very Heavy and not spongy. Do you have any ways to improve this? I use 25g flour and 125g water for the tangzhong. Is this correct?
Hi Mandy,
回覆刪除Just saw your comment. Sorry for late reply.
Yes, 25g flour and 125g water for making tangzhong, that's right. flour:water = 1:5
The step of proofing your dough is very important. Did you wait until your dough for being proofed to double in size. If the two rounds of proofing were done enough, your bread would be light and fluffy.
Oh, kneading is also very crucial too.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除想問, 點樣先知搓到斷筋呀? 我做過呢個包2 次, 但係都係唔得鬆軟, 我正諗緊自己邊到出錯, 因為我見好多留言既人都話用湯種好成功, d 包好鬆軟, 我都有加湯種, 形態同你相中既湯種一樣, 咁我諗應該係我搓得唔好. 同埋, 想問, 我冇落晒所以濕既材料, 落剩少少牛奶, 因為我未落晒已經好濕, 好似搓唔成團咁. 請幫幫忙!
你好! 因我的女兒們對雞蛋敏感,但她們又實在很喜歡食麵包,請問我可否不用雞蛋,而改用別的材料呢?份量又如何改呢?
回覆刪除回應YEE MAN:
what kind of 麵包機 do u use? I'm thinking to buy one but not sure which one is good.
回覆刪除Thank you so so much for sharing all the yummy receipe.
Ada ^-^
回覆刪除請問為何我的腸仔包不能發至2倍大, 腸仔溫度會否影響面團的發度? 我是用手搓的。 謝謝。
Dear Christine,
回覆刪除Thanks for sharing your recipes and experience. I have made a bread with ham, cheese and onion using my bread maker. It's super delicious!
However, my favourite is still sausage bun. Is it possible to make the sausage bun by bread maker only as I don't have any oven at home.
Thanks a lot!
@Tess:I'm afraid it's very hard to bake sausage buns in a breadmaker, because it doesn't have enough space. :(
回覆刪除Dear Christine,
你既receipt写住 高筋面粉 350g 然后汤种120g
甘实际做果时 系唔系应该入 350 - 20g(用于汤种) = 330g先岩啊~?
然后液体方面 你用左milk 125ml 甘实际放入去既系米应该系
125ML-100ML(用于汤种) = 25ml
唔好意思啊..可能系个好silly既问题 但系BOTHER左好耐..!
即是用 350克高筋粉,120克湯種,125毫升牛奶,全部數字不用改。 :)
hi Christine
回覆刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除多謝你的分享, 我很喜歡做蛋糕, 麵包就是第一次, 所以買了部 bread maker, 上述做法說選擇麵包機的 basic功能, 但麵包機顯示3小時, 是否正確? 當我拿麵團出來時很sticky, 不像你的圖, 是否當中我出錯? 我真的很想做麵包, 尤其是我的小孩, 非常喜歡腸仔包, please help!!
回覆刪除照我所知,一般麵包機的 basic功能,顯示的時間是包括由搓麵團,及發酵,至焗麵包的全部過程,所以是 3小時。你要先查看你的麵包機的說明書,了解清楚才開始做麵包,比較好些。
我這個食譜,只是用麵包機的 basic功能中的搓麵團的環節。我的麵包機只搓約20分鐘,有些麵包機則30分鐘。不知道你買的那部怎樣?還是看看說明書吧!
多謝你的回覆!! 雖然第一次失敗, 但我會再繼續努力的!!
回覆刪除我還有問題: 我找不到bread flour, 只找到 strong white bread flour, 是否有分別?
我住在英國, 在super market只找到 strong white bread flour and plain flour 兩種!
many thanks!!
回覆刪除我用的 bread flour 含蛋白質量 12-14%
我不是住美國,所以不大清楚你找到的strong white bread flour是怎樣。你看看包裝背後的說明,看看它含蛋白質多少。
Christine, 你好!
回覆刪除又是我呀! 我今日再做腸仔包, 入面好soft, 但外面比較hard, 何解? thank you very very very much.......
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I tried your recipe, the bread comes out good but I don't know why the surface of the bread comes out hard. Do u know how I can fix it?
And I tried to put tuna in it like 吞拿魚面包, came out very good too!!
Thank you very much for sharing your recipes!!!!
回覆刪除Highly likely that the temperature of your oven was a bit too high. Next time, loosely cover your dough with foil while baking, then almost done, remove the foil and continue to bake until the surface turns brown. See if it helps.
想問問我都有遇到這樣的情形, 同樣都是用BREAD MAKER, 但北海道那款就沒有黏黏的手感, 但做煙肉和腸仔飽這個呢, 就會黏到搓不到,是否要加到粉團不黏才是標準?
回覆刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除1.又有問題了, 点解D 麵包焗出好軟, 但好快就變硬.
2.快速酵母和即發乾酵母是否有分別? 如果用錯咗有沒有影響?
2.快速酵母和即發乾酵母沒有分別的,也是 instant dried yeast.
hello christine, can i use soya milk to replace milk??thanks =)
回覆刪除I haven't tried, but I think it'll work as long as you like it.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除妳的腸仔包好靚啊! 根據你的recipe可否用electric mixer (hook for making dough)代替人手kneading呢?. Thank you
回覆刪除用electric mixer (hook for making dough)?當然可以。
Hi Christine, i live in Melbourne, where can i buy the HK style腸仔? I don't like the Australian type.
回覆刪除BTW, I want to buy a bread machine, which brand and model will you recommend?
thanks very much.
回覆刪除I used continental franfurt sausages shen I wrote this recipe, but have changed to the cheese sausages from Woolies recently. The hotdog ones are not too bad.
As for breadmachine, I used Sunbeam, the very basic model.
冇麵包機可以點做? Thanks!
也可以試用 stand mixer 攪打麵團的。
HI ~基斯汀~我剛試了你介紹的腸仔包~但到了18分鐘就開始聞到焦味(我沒塗蛋液在面/應該不會有影響吧!)~還是不用到35分鐘看到金黃色就可以停呢?
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Thank you very much for your recipe! 我4年多前從香港移民美國小鎮, 從煎蛋都不會到現在弄了第一次的腸仔包, 真的是 “講都無人信”, 感謝神讓我偶爾看到妳的website。 老公說一定要我來多謝妳。 除了妳提供的腸仔包、菠蘿包及排包, 我的小孩亦十分想念芝麻豬仔包呢! 我昨天依照妳的食譜 (除了沒用奶粉外), 做了六個大加三個小型的(用cocktail小腸)包, 大包的體積比香港賣的包還大, 是不是發酵太多呢? 但味道和質感都很像在香港麵包店賣的。 我在想: 不知能不能跟妳這個食譜, 放在麵包機直至baking cycle完畢, 不知會不會做出鬆軟的方包呢? Thanks again!!
I have a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer at home and I used this to mix the dough for 15 min. The dough looks great ( thin and with a perfect hole). However, it is still very wet and stick to my hand. Is it okay?
回覆刪除If you tested your dough, it's ok. As long as you can shape it, you can go ahead with the following steps. Just sprinkle a little bit of flour to help prevent sticking to your hands while shaping.
我想問, 我做的腸仔包,焗緊時腸仔發脹了,,焗完出來放涼一陣腸仔就縮水了,,,令面包入面同腸仔分開左咁,, 沒你做的漂亮.. 何解?
回覆刪除120g = 幾多水?+幾多高根粉呢?
回覆刪除Once again thanks for sharing. Reading your blog become part of my daily must do thing :)
So far i only do cooking at home. Never make cake nor the bread, pitty my oven. So to a newbies for baking, i have to admit one of the big problem i face is to make the dough manually....so do you have any idea which type of breadmaker is good for me to kick start baking? Not sure i can get the same brand as yours in Malaysia..but i knew people are using the direct sales such as amway and cosway.
回覆刪除Thank you for your love and support of my blog. :)
As for buying a breadmaker, you can just get a reliable and sturdy one within your budget in your area.
Mine is Sunbeam, not the expensive brand, without any fancy, complex functions. I just need it to knead dough for me.
回覆刪除請參考這食譜做的湯種,是大約兩份,即大概 245克.
我通常一次煮兩份,一來省功夫,二來份量太少很難做到剛剛 120克.
請問什麽是全蛋液/蛋汁,還有如果用Active Dry Yeast可以嗎?謝謝。。。
Active Dry Yeast也可以的。把食譜中一些水份或牛奶,稍微加熱,但不要超過 40C,把 yeast 灑在上面,蓋好,靜置10分鐘,見有泡泡出現就可以加入其他材料用。
我竟然忘了放鸡蛋, 真的是天啊!!!面团还在发酵中。。不知结果会如何 。。T_T
回覆刪除重有呀,我買左包bread flour,入面已經mix yeast,咁用得嘛?又使唔使再加呢?
回覆刪除用已經mix yeast 的麵粉可以的。
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Your recipe really excellent and the pictures that you taken so tempting.
I tried to make the dough using bread machine but the dough so sticky. if i add flour, will that turn hard later after baking? normally need to leave to double the size for how long? 2 or 3 hours?
回覆刪除The tangzhong dough is quite sticky. You can sprinkle some plain flour to prevent from sticking while shaping.
The proofing time depends on the weather. Normally, the proofing takes only 40 minutes at 28C.
HI Christine,
回覆刪除請問兩次足夠的發酵後, 是否要立刻焗? 可否放進雪櫃留待明早才焗?
回覆刪除Hi Christine, this is a nice blog, and thanks for sharing your knowledge on baking :)