在簡易食譜 blog上所介紹的湯種,基本上是用 1份的高筋粉和 5份的水煮成的麵糊 (比例是 1:5),放涼後冷藏幾小時(我多數放隔夜),就可以使用。然後加入主麵團一起發酵,就會令焗出來的麵包非常軟綿可口。
麵粉和水的比例是 1:5
先把 1份的高筋粉(bread flour 50克)分二,三次倒進 5份的水(250毫升)中,完全混合,確定沒有粉粒。





湯種放涼後,即可使用。餘下的湯種放入雪柜(fridge)中,可保存數天。基絲汀的湯種試過保存 5天還可用。只要湯種不變灰色就可以。否則,要丟掉,重新再煮囉。
把麵包食譜中的濕材料(wet ingredients 譬如蛋,牛奶....)和乾材料(dry ingredients 譬如麵粉,奶粉....)的份量/重量加起來,把總和數 x 20% 就是湯種的份量(按:據說湯種不可超過 25%。但基絲汀所用 Hannah 的食譜,湯種佔 28% ,也不錯,奇妙啊!看來,發揮湯種法的不同方式有很多。而湯種佔總麵團的份量,當然影響做出來的麵包質感會有出入。敬請留意:這方面是給大家參考而已。最終要自己試驗試驗,看看可否調製出自己喜歡的麵包質感。)
然後用這個 20%的份量,計算出:1份高筋粉和 5份水
- 芝士煙肉麵包【湯種法】Bacon and Cheese Bread
- 椰蓉麵包【湯種法】Coconut Custard Buns
- 菠蘿包【湯種法】Pineapple Buns
- 蘋果吉士包【湯種法】 Apple Custard Buns
- 北海道牛奶麵包【湯種法】Hokkaido Milk Toast
- 提子核桃麵包【湯種法】 Raisin Walnut Bread
- 臻子朱古力號角包【湯種法】 Nutella Cream Horns
- 排包【超級軟綿湯種法】 Pai Bao
- 日式綠茶紅豆包【湯種法】 Japanese Green Tea Bread with Red Bean Fillings
- 港式腸仔包【湯種法】Hong Kong Style Sausage Rolls
- 如何焗麵包夠軟綿【兩個要訣】Tips on Making Soft Bread
- 紅豆包【湯種法】Red Bean Buns
- 全麥麵包【湯種法】 Tangzhong Wholemeal Toast
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除This 'Tom Jones Fat' (I call it) is really good, the buns are very soft and fine (the texture). I tried 'Chung Chung Fat' so many times however I will stick to 'Tom Jones' la. It tastes better. Lovely. Thank you.
To VF,
回覆刪除I LOVE the name, 'Tom Jones Fat' invented by you, haha...
Glad that you liked it.
Sure, I keep using this method to bake my homemade bread as well.
妳好: 請問想作圖片上的排包 請問有沒有食譜??
回覆刪除今次我只加了 7克 custard powder 在原來的湯種麵包食譜中,效果已不錯。但我喜歡更有蛋和奶味,會繼續研究。遲些會post出來的 :)
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Have problem sending you an email about another topic so I am putting the message here .... do you know 白糖糕的做法?? Appreciate your help :) ... Rita
To Rita,
回覆刪除Sorry, I haven't made 白糖糕 before. Did you google it? There must be some recipes on the internet.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Thanks for all the details. I followed your 芝士煙肉麵包 and made the bread yesterday. It is so soft and wonderful. I started making bread for the last few months, this is the BEST. Thank you !!
For the 湯種, I use microwave to make it. Just put in a glass bowl, high for 1 min, stir it, and repeat couple times till it looks like yours. It worked out great, thats how i do it. Just want to share.
To Anissa,
回覆刪除Glad to hear your experience with making soft bread.
I've ever thought about cooking tangzhong in a microwave oven. It's great to know it works too. Thanks for your sharing.
Hi, I just want to say this is so interesting to me. I have no patient, but you make it sound so easy. I want to give it a try. Thanks for detailing the steps.
回覆刪除It works! Thanks Christine! Taste good!
回覆刪除Hi Christine, you made really good bread. I plan to do some myself but I am allergic to gluten and yeast, so I need to find the substitue to make bread. Do you think I can still use your way to make bread? Do I have to adjust the quantity?
回覆刪除One more thing I really want to express: you have done really good job and I enjoy reading your receipe and writeup so much, thank you! Keep going!
To yvonne,
回覆刪除Thanks so much for your message and your support of my blog. Love to hear more like this. :)
Honestly, I haven't tested this recipe with the gluten-free flour because we don't have any family members who are allergic to gluten and yeast. Maybe you can experiment with half portion of this recipe and see how it goes.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Just tried this method yesterday night...super good. We finished the whole loaf last night..haha! So keep going make more breads using this method and share with us. :)
To Yvonne,
回覆刪除Glad to hear that you made bread and liked it.
Thank you for your comment. It's very encouraging.
Hi Christine,you are welcome. Btw, did you ever use bread machine to make cakes?
回覆刪除To Yvonne,
回覆刪除Not yet. Do you have any good suggestions?
Hi Christine, I am thinking if it is possible to make pound cake ( the one like Sara Lee's signature cake)..
回覆刪除To Yvonne,
回覆刪除Oh, I love their pond cakes, very light and soft.
I've got a recipe but haven't tried it yet. Don't know if it works or not.
If my recipe is not using water at all but only use fresh milk, can I use fresh milk to cook the "tang zhong"?
回覆刪除To 匿名,
回覆刪除You can use milk to cook tangzhong. But beware that it won't keep long.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I have been looking the receipe of 排包. Can you post it again?
Many thanks,
Dear Christine,
回覆刪除How amazing u revealed the 汤种 secret! I know nothing about it and when i saw this i was like woah! Will definitely give it a try some day...By the way, just to let u know something that I know, it's not a good idea to get the 汤种 into contact to cling wrap..It's better not to have direct contact with any food as it will release some kind of toxic substances that might cause cancer and other chronic diseases.. So maybe find another alternative for this..=) thanks for your ideas!
Hi vicky2074,
回覆刪除Thank you for your kind advice. I also heard that it's not good for heating food at high temperature with cling wrap, but not sure if it'd affect warm food.
The tangzhong has to be wrapped by something to prevent from drying up on the surface, otherwise a hard skin will form. I'd investigate another way to keep the surface of tangzhong moist.
It's worth trying tangzhong method. I think you'll love it.
回覆刪除Thanks Christine for the sharing,
回覆刪除I've been baking bread for few years and was disappointed every time when my bread got harden up after few hours.
Until I found your 湯種 recipe!! It is really great and my bread stay soft even after a day. It was such a relieve that my kids can bring the bread for lunch which I made the day before.
I love making bread so much that I even bought 陳郁芬的《65°C湯種麵包》online. And it is the only method I'll even bake bread.
I found that extra 湯種 can be frozen. Since sometimes I don't make bread within days and I don't want to waste the 湯種, so I tried to put them into freezer and found that they are the same after defrost. Good for people lazy as me.
Thanks again for the sharing and the extra work of taking photo while you cook. It really helps.
Hi Christine, I'm from New Zealand. I use bread machine to make the dough. My machine is designed to make 750g & 1kg finished loaf. That means the flour has to be around 410g at least. If I use your bun recipes, most of them are 350g flour, will the machine kneading/proofing time be too long for a smaller dough as I had tried a few times with you recipes and the dough just didn't rise as much after second proof, the buns came out not high enough. What about your machine? Angela
回覆刪除My breadmaker also can make up to 750 grams of finished loaf. It seems to be no problem if you use the machine to knead the dough that made with this recipe.
Check the "actual" kneading time of your machine, and check the dough texture when it's finished, to see if it passes through the "membrane test".
@Sum in Perth請問湯種佔總份量的20%,是指整個煮好的湯種重量嗎?還是1:5其中的粉重、或當初水和粉調和的總重?
@Christine@Christine's Recipes
回覆刪除Yesterday i make the hokkiado bread using your recipe in breadmaker machine and it turns out great. In order to apply 湯種 in bread recipe, am i right that if i added 湯種 100g inside any bread recipe, i just minus out 100g from the flour portion or from the milk portion?
回覆刪除Glad that you made it and enjoyed lovely breads.
As for how many 湯種 should be added in a bread recipe, it all depends on what recipe you use, how many quantity of other ingredients and what texture you are looking for. Can't give you one formula.
我都有用湯種, 但我很懶, 只用熱水開粉放涼用, 出黎都軟熟, 但是否跟正式的差很遠呢?
另外我有兩個問題 :
1. 我焗完的包包, 放涼了便入膠盒放雪櫃下面保存, 但發覺膠盒會出水, 怎麼辦?
2. 我想當天一早有新鮮出爐包包吃, 便提早一天做定包包, 做埋最後發酵, 然後入雪櫃冰格, 翌日拿出來放室溫, 但發覺出水又變了樣, 焗完不軟熟, 怎麼辦呢?
回覆刪除1.可放一張 paper towel 吸水份或一個透氣隔在麵包底下,包包就不會濕。麵包面也放一張 paper towel才蓋上膠盒蓋,這樣可防止冷藏的倒汗水濕透麵包面。
請問你有沒有吃剩包包, 都是入膠盒的嗎?
回覆刪除我有試過把吃剩的麵包放入膠盒中。其實膠袋,或其他密封的器皿也可以。如放入雪櫃,加放入 paper towel吸水氣。
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除你好, 好高興你可以分享你的湯種法
不知道是我做的程序那裡出現問題, 我是用麵包機做的, 但做了2次
也失敗(是包包未能保持多幾天, 我是放了濕料, 跟著放湯種, 最後放麵粉及粉及酵母
今次用了雪過一晚才拿出來用的還令包包比平時的硬(是出爐時), 在雪柜取出後我用熱水坐暖湯種 (但形狀較為水了一點)
@Shirley Leung:
Hi !妳好
回覆刪除很多謝妳的寶貴資料呵 :)
回覆刪除我的麵包機是 Sunbeam, 最基本的型號。
請問是否如做 PAI BAO, 跟妳所教直接下調好的湯種120g 便可以, 因之前提及要扣除材料成份, 故有點不明? IRENE
回覆刪除Sorry, I just forgot leave down my E-mail add. Ask U about the Pai bao question tks a lot :)
回覆刪除所有在簡易食譜 blog上 post的湯種麵包食譜,照跟材料份量做就可以了。不用計算。
Hi Christine, I haven't been visiting your blog for such a long time. By the way, I tried your method of wrapping the Tangzhong starter once they were cooked. Thanks!
回覆刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I tried using this method to make the HK style sausage buns recipe from your site, but some how the bun turns out too hard on the outside but it doesn't look burnt. Can you help me please?
回覆刪除If it's not because of the temperature of your oven, it could be the surface was dried somehow.
You might try spraying some water on the surface of the buns before putting in your oven. See how it goes.
Btw, remember to cover with a wet cloth when doing the 2nd round of proofing. It helps retain moist of the buns.
可以用all purpose flour來代替bread flour做湯種嗎?
回覆刪除用50克麵粉和250毫升煮成的湯種,約 240多克。
刪除請問煮一份你所教的湯種約多少時間才算完成呢? 半小時左右夠嗎?
回覆刪除煮湯種很快,大約十多分鐘。只要煮至 65C 就可以。
我看到有些麵包不是用高筋粉, 而是用普通麵粉做的; 請問 Christine 湯種可否用麵粉和水, 以 1 比 5 來做, 然後加入那麵粉做的包嗎?
刪除湯種,麵粉和水, 以 1 比 5 來做。