回應匿名:你到超市買現成的雞湯就可以,方便簡易嘛。我通常用 Campbell’s chicken stock(salt reduced) 或是史雲生(唐人鋪買)。
You can find Swanson Chicken Broth in almost any supermarket, as well as other varieties of chicken broth. I bought the organic chicken broth from Costco.
請問如沒有攬拌機, 有其他做法嗎?
回應小慧:如沒有攬拌機,可以用壓薯蓉的工具 potato masher代替,以前我也試過。
紅番薯 is it sweet potato??
Yes, I used golden sweet potato.
I just tried to make it tonight, it tastes really delicious!and my bf loves it! thanks for sharing the recipe! :)
Glad that your bf loved this dish. Thank you for letting me know.
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我通常用 Campbell’s chicken stock(salt reduced) 或是史雲生(唐人鋪買)。
You can find Swanson Chicken Broth in almost any supermarket, as well as other varieties of chicken broth. I bought the organic chicken broth from Costco.
回覆刪除請問如沒有攬拌機, 有其他做法嗎?
回覆刪除如沒有攬拌機,可以用壓薯蓉的工具 potato masher代替,以前我也試過。
回覆刪除紅番薯 is it sweet potato??
回覆刪除Yes, I used golden sweet potato.
刪除I just tried to make it tonight, it tastes really delicious!
回覆刪除and my bf loves it! thanks for sharing the recipe! :)
Glad that your bf loved this dish. Thank you for letting me know.