這甜品的特色是用一種軟芝士(起司)叫 “Ricotta”, 姑且翻譯作『乳清芝士』。它是在製作芝士的過程中出現的副產品『乳清』,再加工而成的。因此也是芝士的一種,是比較『年輕的』一種,跟我們吃慣的 Cheddar 或 Parmesan 等等老化的芝士不同。味道帶些微甜,含脂肪量不多,約13%. 毫不令人感到膩。非常適合做甜品或蛋糕。其實,Ricotta 做鹹點也可以的。可說是鹹甜皆宜。
每次基絲汀把半盒的 ricotta芝士跟朱古力拌勻,作為酥皮的餡料。酥脆的皮配搭香滑甜美的乳清芝士, 帶些苦味的黑朱古力,還拌以自家做的鮮紅芬芳的草莓醬,真是吃到不能停口喔!把一頓晚餐畫上完美的句號,或是早午款待朋友的茶點。
- 急凍酥皮(puff pastry 置室溫回軟) 1塊
- 意大利乳清芝士(ricotta)125克
- 黑朱古力(黑巧克力 稍切碎)25克
- 糖霜(pure icing sugar) 45克/另加少許裝飾
- 雲呢拿香油(vanilla extract) 1茶匙
- 雞蛋(打散成汁)1隻
- 杏仁片 酌量

- 大草莓 6個
- 幼砂糖(份量視乎草莓的甜度而定) 2茶匙
- 草莓果醬(strawberry jam)2茶匙
- 先把草莓洗淨,瀝乾水份。切去梗。切片。
- 把草梅,糖和草莓果醬放入在一小鍋中,用小火煮至糖完全溶解,草莓轉軟身(註:切勿煮得過久),即成。放涼備用。

- 預熱焗爐至 180C (356F). 在一焗盤上鋪上 baking paper.
- 把乳清芝士(ricotta)放入搞拌器中搞拌數秒。加入黑朱古力,糖霜和雲呢拿香油,搞拌均勻,備用。
- 用匙羹把芝士混合物平均鋪在酥皮的半邊上,邊緣留些空位,以免芝士和朱古力受熱會流出來。把另一邊酥皮覆在芝士混合物上面。把兩邊酥皮褶疊到中央。塗上蛋汁,灑下適量的杏仁片。放入焗爐焗約 20分鐘,或直至表面轉金黃色,即成。轉在鐵架上放涼點,即切開上碟。趁熱供食,以草莓醬和鮮忌廉拌吃。

- 由於酥皮包著 ricotta芝士的部份會較濕潤,所以質感變軟,有點似吃豆沙鍋餅的皮一般。
- 如果想吃多點酥脆的皮,在塗餡料時,兩邊留多點空位,不塗餡料。褶上去的酥皮不接觸餡料,就會焗得酥脆和鬆起來。
- 注意:要選用沒甜味的黑朱古力 cooking chocolate. 如果是有甜味的,就自己酌量減糖。

Hi Christine,
回覆刪除The Ricotta Chocolate pastry looks so yummy. I just brought all ingredients from supermarket today and can't wait to make it. But I just wonder if I brought the right "pastry" or not. I also live in Australia. The pastry the I've purchased call - Antoniou Fillo Pastry. http://www.antonioufillo.com.au/Products/Fillo_Pastry.html
Is it different from puff pastry? If so,could you plse advise what brand do u use? Thanks very much.
To Liza,
回覆刪除Oh, you bought the pastry different from mine.
Mine is Pampas Puff pastry
I think your filo pastry will do also, only the texture would be different. Taste would be good as well.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Thanks for sharing this easy-to-make-delicious pastry, I made a few times already, yum yum yum!!
Hi Theresa,
回覆刪除Glad that you like this recipe. :)
HI Christine,
回覆刪除this looks so nice~ I have a quick question,
do you think its possible to use filo pastry instead of puff pastry? thanks
To Casaria,
回覆刪除This dessert can be made with filo pastry too. Very good.