剛巧有網友的邀請,不知道哪裏來了勇氣,挑戰自己用湯種試驗。偶然在網上碰到這個菠蘿包製作大公開 video, 一位香港茶餐廳老闆(猜想呢)公開他們的菠蘿包食譜。基絲汀當然欣喜若狂啦。原來食譜中有兩種重要的材料:豬油——令菠蘿皮酥脆;和臭粉(即亞摩尼亞粉 ammonia powder)——令菠蘿皮產生不規則,狀似菠蘿形的裂紋。但由於基絲汀從來不用豬油煮食,加上基絲汀是湯種麵包之迷,於是就參考那專業用的食譜,試驗了三次,才調較出這個基絲汀版本的湯種菠蘿包食譜,效果不錯呢。
準備時間: 10 分鐘
烹調時間: 3 小時
分量: 份量可做 12個(每個約 62克)

準備時間: 10 分鐘
烹調時間: 3 小時
分量: 份量可做 12個(每個約 62克)
- 高筋粉 350克
- 幼砂糖 70克
- 鹽 4克
- 全蛋汁 56克
- 奶粉 10克
- 即發乾酵母 6克
- 湯種 120克 (有關湯種製作,請參考這網誌網誌:湯種的煮法)
- 牛奶 125毫升
- 無鹽牛油(置室溫軟化)30克
- 低筋粉 125克
- 幼砂糖 55克
- 無鹽牛油(置室溫軟化) 40克
- 奶粉 7克
- 蛋黃 1隻
- 淡奶(evaporated milk)1 湯匙
- 煉奶 1茶匙
- 食用臭粉(edible ammonia powder)1/4茶匙 少一些
- 發粉(baking powder)1/4茶匙

- 把所有材料(除牛油外)依次倒進麵包機(先放濕的材料,然後放下乾的材料):牛奶,蛋汁,湯種,鹽,糖,奶粉,高筋粉,最後放酵母。我習慣在麵粉中央撥開一小洞,把酵母放進去。
- 選擇麵包機的 dough 功能,材料搞拌至形成一團,就放進牛油,繼續搞拌,至形成具彈性的麵團,約25分鐘。
- 當麵包機停機,讓麵團留在麵包機中,進行第一次發酵,直至麵團發大兩倍。
- 麵團進行發酵的同時,預備菠蘿皮,參見下面的做法。
- 麵團發酵完畢,拿出放在清潔的工作台上,灑點高筋粉。用手按壓麵團,擠出空氣,分成12等份,滾圓。用保鮮膜蓋著,待發酵約 35分鐘,發大至兩倍。
- 預熱焗爐至210C (410F). 當小麵團發酵將完成,從雪櫃拿出菠蘿皮麵團。分割12等份。每等份滾圓,蓋上保鮮膜,並擀壓成圓餅形,放在菠蘿包麵團上面。塗上蛋汁。放入已預熱的焗爐中,焗約5分鐘後,把焗爐溫度降至180°C (356°F),繼續焗多15分鐘,表面轉金黃色,放在鐵架上放涼。即成。

- 用電動搞拌器,把牛油搞打至平滑,加入糖,繼續搞打至發白鬆脹。
- 加入奶粉,蛋黃,淡奶,煉奶和發粉,拌勻。篩入麵粉和臭粉,完全拌勻。此時麵團非常濕潤和黏手。用保鮮膜把麵團捲成長條。放入雪櫃(fridge)冷凍 30至40分鐘。當麵團變硬身一些,就可隨時拿出使用。

- 有關使用臭粉的份量做菠蘿皮:以這食譜的菠蘿皮用125克低筋粉的份量來說,切勿用多過1/4茶匙。如果所用的低筋粉較多或較少,就自行調較臭粉的份量。
- 如果不想冒險的話,不落臭粉也可以,可用利刀在菠蘿皮的麵團上劃斜格,然後才送麵團入焗爐。只是花紋變成規則的,味道卻一樣好吃。
- 芝士煙肉麵包【湯種法】Bacon and Cheese Bread
- 椰蓉麵包【湯種法】Coconut Custard Buns
- 蘋果吉士包【湯種法】 Apple Custard Buns
- 北海道牛奶麵包【湯種法】Hokkaido Milk Toast
- 提子核桃麵包【湯種法】 Raisin Walnut Bread
- 臻子朱古力號角包【湯種法】 Nutella Cream Horns
- 排包【超級軟綿湯種法】 Pai Bao
- 日式綠茶紅豆包【湯種法】 Japanese Green Tea Bread with Red Bean Fillings
- 港式腸仔包【湯種法】Hong Kong Style Sausage Rolls
- 湯種的煮法,使用和保存法【麵包秘訣】 Tips on Cooking Tangzhong
- 如何焗麵包夠軟綿【兩個要訣】Tips on Making Soft Bread
- 紅豆包【湯種法】Red Bean Buns
- 全麥麵包【湯種法】 Tangzhong Wholemeal Toast
HI Christine,
回覆刪除Thank you for your effort. I like your site very much because I have English and Chinese translation.
I live in Bne, where I can get 食用臭粉(edible ammonia powder)??
回覆刪除Great, if you live in brisbane, you must've known Yuen's 袁氏, Market Square. I got it from there.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Thank you for your help. I'll try and let you know the result soon.
I love polo bau a lot. I remembered that when i was about 11, i went to hk for a vacation. on the last day, my parents decided to take a walk on the streets in hk at about 7am in the morning. i had to tag along and i was pretty hungry. so, my mom decided to get me a polo bau from kam wah cafe to stop me from whining.
回覆刪除it was then, i had the best polo bun ever! i guess everything tastes better when you are hungry but it is so unforgettable!
since that moment on, i have loved polo bun. loved it even more when prince de la bun came out! mcdull is so cute!
Hi Christine, thanks again for sharing such fabulous recipes with us! I live in the UK and I have searched high and low for cooking ammonia here with no success. I read on the web that it is replaceable by baking powder. Do you have any feel how the quantity would work?
回覆刪除Many thanks!
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Since I don't have a scale, i cannot weigh out each ingredient. In terms of the amount of 低筋粉 for the 菠蘿皮, do u mind telling me how many "ml or cup" will 125gm be if i use a measuring cup? Thanks.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除In the third step, you said "當麵包機停機,讓麵團留在麵包機中,進行第一次發酵,直至麵團發大兩倍." Actually, how long approximately should I leave the 麵團 inside the bread maker? Or, should I just keep opening the bread maker to check on-and-off whether it has 發大兩倍?
Thanks for your help!
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Since i don't have a scale at home, i can't weigh out each ingredient. If i use a measuring spoon/cup to measure out the 低筋粉, how much will 125gm be? Thank you.
回覆刪除The proofing time varies and depends on how hot the weather is. I just spot the dough and get the feel. I can give you a reference though, it's about 40 minutes to get the dough proofed on my side. You can open the breadmaker to check whether the dough is ready or not.
回覆刪除As for your question here, I have no clues. Sorry!
Hi Christine, I think it may be help Sophia,
回覆刪除I live in uk too.This website wll sell cooking ammonia whcih another name called Hjortetak salt
P.S: I havent tried it before on the baking.But my husband mixed it with batterrd oyster,it tasted not bad.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I bought 食用臭粉 from Yuen's Market. I am questioning the packet Chinese written '臭粉', but the English written 'Baking Powder'. Is it still 食用臭粉??
Thank you.
回覆刪除The one I bought from Yuen's is also written as 'Baking Powder' in English. No idea of why it's so.
回覆刪除@Lydia K.:
回覆刪除可以用座台式的搞拌器 stand mixer。用手比較困難,因為麵團實在太濕太黏。
@Lydia K.:
我的麵包機是 Sunbeam, 最基本的型號,買的時候約 AU$70左右。
回覆刪除You might like to refer to this post to convert the measurement: Converting Grams to Cups.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除做麵包時, 我一直遇到這個問題: 麵團很黏手, 甚至在工作台上黏得死死的. 有辦法可以避免嗎??
是否要加很多麵粉在手及工作台上?? 如何輕鬆切開麵團?
Thank you!
Hi Christine, 想請問可否用鮮奶取代淡奶做菠蘿皮?因忘了買淡奶,加上平時我甚少用淡奶... 謝謝!
回覆刪除@Wing Yan:
hi, Christine
回覆刪除又係我呀! 好開心第一次做就成功! 多謝你的食譜! Thank you very much....
Hi Christine, it is so delighted to have find your blog. I am also an immigrant to Brisbane, only one and a half year. Gradually getting used to here. I was not used to cook in Hong Kong, you know most of us have home helper ^v^, but now cooking becomes my most favourite passtime.
回覆刪除Thank you for posting all these good recipes!!
PS. 6 lovely pineapple buns & 6 叉燒菠蘿飽 are in my oven at the moment. Looking forward...
回覆刪除Lovely to have you visited my blog and love my recipes.
How your 叉燒菠蘿包 went? I haven't had any for ages...very tempting!
They are nice except the 菠蘿皮 I have rolled out too thin, still crispy but not as good looking as yours.
回覆刪除Good attempt! Keep trying, you'll improve. :)
Hi Christine, 我今天再做叉燒菠蘿飽遇到困難了,第一次發酵後,包餡時,粉團無法滾薄,彈性很強,滾薄後又回彈至原形,這是否因為發酵過度還是發酵不夠呢?之前做中式飽點也遇到過同樣問題,但做西飽就沒有此問題出現過。真令人氣餒!!
Hi Christine, 酵母應沒問題,因第一次發酵好好,只是第二次不發大。
Can I use plain flour instead of bread flour?
回覆刪除You could use plain flour instead. Although the texture of the bread won't be as soft as those made by bread flour, it's still good.
剛剛做完這包包,但低很硬,是否因我沒放在BAKING PAPER 上面呢??
回覆刪除@Ms Big Chan:
回覆刪除麵包底部硬,即是底部的熱度太高。放 baking paper 有幫助的。
多謝回覆,還有一個問題,我用麵包機打麵團和做第一次發酵,第二次就自已動手再發酵,但不知何解發酵過程中,麵包不是向上升,是向橫發展的。不似你圖中的包包般圓滑,是又肥又矮的,是否因我沒放在BAKING PAPER上呢?
回覆刪除Hi Christine, 你好。好多谢你分享你的吃谱,我也很喜欢你的吃谱。 昨天刚做完,我是用手‘差’的。发觉面团很黏手,出来的效果不够soft,是否因为我‘差’得不够?面团是否要‘差’得够才会越细密,出来的效果就够soft呢?
Hi Christine,你好。好多谢你分享你的吃谱,我也很喜欢你的吃谱。昨天刚刚试做,我是用手‘差’的,发觉面团很黏手,出来的效果不够soft.是否因为我‘差’得不够?面团是否要‘差’得够才会越细密,出来的效果就更soft呢?怎样才数够?
回覆刪除Hope you will reply. Thank you.
Hi Christine,你好!我昨天跟你的食譜整波蘿包,我是跟足你的份量做,但搓了三十分鐘都還是"痴手痴枱"最後只有掉了它。你可否給點意見呢!Thanks!!!
回覆刪除呢個麵團真喺好難用手搓架,所以我都用麵包機代勞呢。 :p
回覆刪除excellent receipe! i live in london n it is so nice to be able to make bun at home! i made a few changes to the receipe tho:
回覆刪除i have to use about 700g of bread flour to make the dough(may be is becoz of different machine) and warm the milk up so the dough is warm to activate the yeast. i leave the 2nd fermentation overnight ( and put into oven in the morning so i can have warm bun for breakfast) and the bun are sooo so good. my family loves it and i am real happy, thank you very much!
回覆刪除I am so glad that I have found your site. Thanks for posting all these wonderful recipes and your detail explanations of every single step.
I haven't tasted a Pineapple bun since I moved to the States 4 years ago. God, I miss home....I have tried so many different recipes but none of them worked, either it came harder then a rock or their tasted a bit like lack of something. Until I found yours last month and so I tried out your recipe yesterday. I also made some custard filling and put it inside the bun. It came out excellent. My husband tried the custard pineapple bun while we were in Hong Kong, he got addicted to it since then. I told my sister on the phone about your pineapple bun recipe and she said she could buy it anywhere in HK so why bother to make it. She doesn't understand how bad it is once you are not home!! Even you can buy pineapple bun in China Town here but it doesn't taste the same.
I try one for breakfast this morning and it is still soft. It taste like home. Thank you sooooooooo much!!
回覆刪除Yes, I'm with you. People living in Hong Kong where they can get some pineapple buns on their way to work or home, don't quite know how bad we miss the food of our hometown. I also didn't bother to learn how to make any breads while I was in Hong Kong.
As we're living overseas and don't have any decent bread shops around, the only way to ease our cravings is to learn how to make buns by ourselves. After learning to make breads at home, I love love homemade breads more and more. I know what's inside, and have fully control the quantity of all ingredients, including oil and sugar. The tangzhong is a natural and healthy stuff to keep buns soft. Best still, we always have the freshly baked breads straight from the oven.
The downsides of making breads ourselves are spending much time, trying with much effort, buying lots of ingredients and utensils. But I think it's all worth it.
Christine, 非常感謝您的食譜!雖然我買不到臭粉,只用發粉菠蘿皮也裂的很好看,很脆!沒有放煉奶,不過還是很好吃。您湯種做法非常容易明白,謝謝您!
回覆刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I'm Claudia from Canada. Love your recipes. Just browsing & found out your pineapple bun recipe, can't wait to give it a try. But I wanna know what is 低筋粉 in English. Thank you.
BTW, both of your regular & mobile site don't work very well on my iPod touch, not sure why. I've already typed this comment for 3 times coz it kept knocking me out.
@Claudia :
回覆刪除Sorry for giving you trouble in commenting. I don't know why and what happened. :(
低筋粉 is cake flour.
Hi Christine!按照你的食谱做了肠仔包和椰蓉包,椰蓉包味道超级正,就连不太爱甜食的老公都说调得刚刚好,不会太甜。多谢你提供的食谱啊!但系有一个问题就系,两次做的面包表皮都好硬,里面就好软,究竟系咩原因呢?表面变金黄色时我已经用锡纸盖住,但还系好硬
回覆刪除其實中筋粉 (plain flour/all purpose flour)可以用來做麵包的。不過,由於高筋粉筋性強,製作出來的麵包較軟綿而已。
Hi Christine, thanks for the recipes!! Can I use milk to replace 奶粉? many thanks~~
回覆刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Great recipes!! They are so yummy. I had to double the amount. They disappear too quickly.
What is the best way to reheat the buns? I couldn't get the topping crunchy like when it first come out of the oven.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除All your bread recipe were excellent. I specially love this one. Unfortunately, my kids only like the sausage buns.
The Pineapple Buns topping is very nice when it first come out. But when I reheat it the next day, it is not crunchy any more. Do you have a good way to reheat the buns without drying it out.
回覆刪除因为自己也新买了面包机 在网上发现你的blog 每个面包都很喜欢
今天学着做 但不知道为什么揉完地面团都很黏手 本来想等发酵完就好了 但是经过一个小时 发酵效果不明显 而且拿出来依然很黏手 根本滚圆不了
@Tina Lu:
你的麵包機揉麵團的時間(dough setting)是多少分鐘呢?
@Christine Ho
回覆刪除一共是1小时30 中间有30分钟揉面 1个小时是第一次和第二次发酵
但我揉完面就把面包机关了 面粉就留在面包机里发酵大概一个小时
其实我之前试着揉面 拿出来也还是很黏呢 而且发酵效果也没有2倍那么多 请教教我(大哭)
@Tina Lu:
@Christine Ho
回覆刪除我也不知道 我是按照你写的放 用的是instant dry yeast.
那发酵完 面团黏手也是正常?只需要放点面粉滚成团就好了?
不好意思又是我,還想請教一下,你們用面包機做波羅包和排包,大概打多少分鐘才加牛油?而你用basic setting是高速或低速揉法呢?因為我是用stand mixer的,所以想了解一下!謝謝!
回覆刪除@Tina Lu:
回覆刪除不,應該說:比較普通麵團來說,湯種麵團是較濕和黏手,但仍然可以操作。我有些 fans 是用手搓的。
但就算我用中種法 我也是一樣會黏手 而且感覺沒發很大 想請問下..揉麵整個過程只需要揉一次?有需要把麵包機關了再揉一次?
回覆刪除不好意思又是我,我想請教一下,你做波羅包和排包一開始大概要打多久才放牛油?放了牛油之後還要打多久?你是用basic功能打,是高速還是慢速?因為我是用stand mixer的所以想參考一下,謝謝!
回覆刪除@Tina Lu:
請問如果買不到食用臭粉(edible ammonia powder), 可不可以不加, 或可用甚麼其它代替呢?