這個食譜簡單易做,味道剛剛好 Yummy~
材料 Ingredients:
豬扒4塊 (4 pork chops, about 350g)
香茅 1 枝(拍鬆,切碎)(a spring of lemongrass, pressed and minced)
蒜肉2粒(剁爛成蓉)(2 braids of garlic, chopped)
乾蔥2粒(切片)(2 shallots, sliced)
紅椒粒、蔥粒各酌量(some diced chili and spring onion)
薄荷葉(即香花菜,少許伴碟)(如不喜歡可不用)(peppermint for garnish)
醃料 Marinade:
生抽1湯匙(1 tablespoon light soya sauce)
糖 1/3茶匙(1/3 teaspoon sugar)
鹽1/8茶匙(1/8 salt)
青檸汁1/2湯匙(可使肉質鬆軟)(1/2 tablespoon lime juice)
生粉1/2湯匙(1/2 tablespoon corn flour)
調味料 Seasoning:
魚露1湯匙(1 tablespoon spicy fish sauce)
糖2/3茶匙(2/3 teaspoon sugar)
麻油、胡椒粉各少許(a dash of sesame oil; a few shakes of pepper)
1. 豬扒洗凈,用廚房紙抹乾。用刀背略為拍鬆,加入醃料及香茅碎拌勻,醃約45至60分鐘,隨即放入燒熱的煎鑊中,把豬扒煎熟及表面金黃色,取出並吸乾油份,待用。
2. 用燒油1湯匙,爆香蒜蓉,乾蔥片,把豬扒回鑊並注入調味料,紅椒粒及蔥粒,快手兜炒勻,盛上碟,伴以薄荷葉,即可趁熱食。
3. 或可將炸脆乾蔥片及香茅碎灑上。
1. 如果喜歡的話,還可以再伴以魚露佐食,味更濃郁。但基絲汀覺得味道已剛剛好了。
2. 或者可以把豬扒醃過夜來煎,就更入味。
1.Rinse and dry pork chops, tenderize them briefly with the back of a chopper and blend in marinade, sprinkle minced lemongrass and leave them for 45 minutes to 1 hour, then fry marinated pork chops till done and golden.
2.Heat 1 tablespoon oil to sauté garlic and shallot, put in pork chops and fry briefly. Pour in seasoning mixture; sprinkle diced chilli and spring onion, stir well. Dish up and garnish with peppermint. Serve hot.
it's VERY yummy!!! thank you!!!!
回覆刪除It's great!! Christine, you use both language on your blog, that's good for my husband, he can't read chinese when I mention about your recipe, he'd a lot excuse.....
回覆刪除Now it is very convenient for him and I.
Oh, just the previous ones.
刪除I've created an English food blog here. You can take a look if you like.
Can I seasoning it overnight as I don't have 45 min on the day of cooking?
回覆刪除Sure, you can marinate it a day ahead.
刪除It tastes better.