可做 6個份量
- 乾酵母(instant dry yeast)8克
- 糖 2 茶匙
- 菜油(沙拉油)2茶匙
- 牛奶 1/3杯
- 溫水(煲滾後放涼至不燙手,不超過 40C) 1/2杯
- 麵粉(plain flour)2 量杯 約 310克
- 免治牛肉(minced beef, 牛絞肉) 150克
- 日本咖喱(S&B) 1/4包(1小磚)
- 洋蔥 1小個
- 蛋黃 1隻
- 糖水 (1茶匙糖 + 2茶匙水)
- 先把所有發酵材料在一大碗中拌勻(見下圖 1),用一塊潔凈的布蓋著,等候發酵,約 10分鐘。見下圖 2 有如此狀即可。
- 把篩過的麵粉加進發酵混合物中拌勻(見下圖 3)。
- 用手槎麵圖至不黏手為止(見下圖 4)。用一塊潔凈的布蓋著麵團,等候發酵 25分鐘。麵團發至兩倍大。
- 把麵團切成大小相等 6份,再蓋布(或保鮮膜),等待約 15分鐘。
- 把咖喱牛肉餡料包入每個小麵團中。放入已預熱至 200度C的焗爐中,焗約 15分鐘。
- 在麵包面上塗上蛋黃,再焗 5分鐘。並塗上糖水。
- 把免治牛肉用 2茶匙生抽(醬油),糖 1/2茶匙,粟粉(玉米粉)3/4茶匙,和少許水拌勻備用。
- 切洋蔥幼粒。放下熱油鑊中,用慢火炒香後,放下醃好的免治牛肉炒半熟,就可以下 S&B 咖喱磚一起炒。用慢火炒至咖喱融解,牛肉熟透,即成餡料。
- 在澳洲的超市,可以買到 Defiance 的 Instant Dry Yeast (即乾酵母)。一盒裏面有十二小包,每包剛好 8克。
回覆刪除咦~ 那是不是就變身成咖哩餃啦! =P
回應 mimi:
回覆刪除好提議耶!可以做酥皮咖喱牛肉餃喔~好味! :)
回覆刪除If I m not using dry yeast. The wet one is that OK to do? What is the portion?
回覆刪除Sorry, I haven't tried the wet one for this recipe. Can't tell. :(
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Thank you for your recipes and tips. Please tell me the 'Choi Yau' used here is it vegetable oil? I am looking forward to making them myself. Thank you so much.
回覆刪除Yes, it's vegetable oil.
HI, christine
回覆刪除Just want to know is the plain flour same as all purpose flour?
Hi, Christine
回覆刪除Is the plain flour same as all purpose flour?
回覆刪除Yes, we call "plain flour", same as "all purpose flour" called in US.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除If i use the instant dry yeast, is the yeast portion same as dry yeast?
What is the difference between instant dry yeast and dry yeast?
回覆刪除I used instant dry yeast for making this bread too.
hi~christine,我想問下點解發酵要分兩次!!有無就一次等佢發酵架???即係唔使切完又再發酵.同埋唔知點解我發酵時無出現你圖2咁0既過程,係咪發酵出左問題.thanks 你呀.
回覆刪除做法1 是確定酵母有效,並『叫醒』 activate.
如果你用 instant dry yeast, 都可以不做第一步的發酵的。中式麵包沒問題。
thanks ar~我琴晚終於成功左!中式蒸面包完全無問題,但用焗0既就唔夠軟熟,焗出來好硬,可能唔夠功力猜面分!!不過十分之多謝你0既食譜,等我地係咁僻0既地方都可以食到香港0既野食.
Can I use bread flour?
回覆刪除Sure, you can.
回覆刪除湯種都係你呢度學識:) THANKS SO MUCH~
咩包先會用中根, 咩包會用高根?係咪餐包就要用中筋比較好?
刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除If I want to make 12 "curry beef" breads, do I just double the amount of your recipe? Also, 12 is too much for my oven to bake, so can I split them into 2 layers of 6? In this way, will the bottom layer be burnt when the upper layer is just right?
Thank you.
Yes, double all the ingredients for making 12 buns.
刪除As for your question about baking with two different oven racks, it all depends on how well your oven performs.
Just a thought, if your oven has got fan-forced function, turn it on, it might help to bake more evenly. Remember to reduce the temperature if using fan-forced mode. It's better to refer to your manual anyway.
回覆刪除Hi Christine
回覆刪除Mine turned out hard n dry. Can you suggest what I might have done wrong?
Hi Bruce,
刪除Please take a look at this previous post on how to make soft bread tips.
As for the problem of dryness, try to reduce the temperature of your oven to see if it works for you. The material of the baking pan also brings an impact on the texture of end products. Try to get a good quality baking pan. It'd bring a big difference.
Hope this info helps you.