- 節瓜 1個(約 600克)
- 冬菇 5隻
- 江瑤柱 2粒
- 大蝦乾 8隻
- 豬肉碎 120克
- 雞湯 1/2杯
- 生抽 2茶匙
- 粟粉(玉米粉)1茶匙
- 糖 2/3茶匙
- 胡椒粉 少許
- 鹽 少許
- 生抽 1茶匙
- 粟粉 2茶匙
- 蠔油 1茶匙
- 糖 1/2茶匙
- 水 2湯匙
- 麻油 少許

- 先把冬菇,蝦乾和江瑤柱洗凈,分別用水浸至軟身。冬菇和蝦乾瀝乾水份,切幼粒。江瑤柱用手撕開。浸冬菇,蝦乾和江瑤柱的水,留下備用。
- 豬肉碎用醃料拌勻,加入冬菇粒和蝦粒混合,醃約 20分鐘。
- 節瓜用刀刮去外皮,切粗段。用尖刀削去中間含種子部份,節瓜裏面四週灑點粟粉。把豬肉碎釀入節瓜中央。兩面灑上粟粉。
- 燒熱油鑊,把釀好的節瓜兩面煎至少許金黃色。倒進浸冬菇,蝦乾和江瑤柱的水,和雞湯,與江瑤柱一起用中慢火煮,約20至25分鐘,直至節瓜軟身為止。把節瓜兜起上碟。埋獻(打勾),汁煮至濃稠,淋在節瓜上面,即成。
- 買節瓜時,要挑選多毛的,即是新鮮。
- 節瓜的頭尾太小,不釀碎肉了。只切開一起煮也好味。
I love ur blog so mucHH!!!!! Nice blog :D
回覆刪除To isa,
回覆刪除THANKS so much for your support. ^0^
試做了一次,男朋友大讚好吃! 謝謝你
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I absolutely love your recipes! I was wondering if you can translate this recipe into English. I tried to babelfish the instructions but it's a bit confusing.
Also, (not directly relating to this dish) some of your recipes uses chicken bouillon, was wondering if there is a replacement? I would love to make wontons/dumplings for my dad but he's highly diabetic so consuming msg for him is a big no no. I tried making it without the bouillon but it's definitely not as tasty.
Thank you!
回覆刪除Sure, no problem if translate this recipe. I just consider to redo this dish and take some new pics with my DSLR camera, as not quite satisfied with the old pics. When it's done, will post it on my english blog: http://en.christinesrecipes.com/
Btw, have you subscribed to my english food blog? If so, you won't miss any updates.
For making the fillings of dumplings, you can skip the chicken bouillon if you don't want to. Its taste might not be the best if missing this out, the end result is not too bad though.