時不時有一些簡易食譜的讀者寄來電郵,除了溫馨的多謝基絲汀在 blog上分享食譜之外,也分享了他們煮食的樂趣和喜悅。基絲汀真替大家開心。見到大家煮得成功,食得開心,基絲汀也分嚐到其中的一份滿足感。
更特別的是,有一位住馬來西亞的讀者 Eric, 很無私地用電郵把他的至愛——奶油蝦食譜寄給基絲汀嘗試。Eric說,他那道奶油蝦非常可口,值得嘗試。基絲汀連想也沒想過,在 blog上分享自己泡製的食譜,也會感動到讀者主動回饋。待了很久,基絲汀終於嘗試了,果然好味呢!Eric,多謝你喔。

這道奶油蝦吃起來感到 creamy 濃郁奶油味(牛油)。Eric 的原來食譜提議可不加咖哩葉,但基絲汀強力推薦要用。如找不到新鮮的,也要用乾的。咖哩葉是在煮印度或馬來食品中常用的一種香料。它的香味滲透蝦肉和汁料中,實在有一種令人神魂顛倒的魔力。幸好,基絲汀自家醃製了鹹蛋,弄這道菜更是順手方便。鹹蛋黃的顏色令這道奶油蝦更好看之外,也增加一點兒鹹香,妙極!
食譜來自讀者 Eric Tan 提供基絲汀@簡易食譜
類別: 海鮮
菜系: 中式
分量: 2 至 3 人

- 大蝦 12隻
- 鹹蛋黃(蒸熟壓爛備用)2個
- 牛油(butter 奶油) 2湯匙
- 鹽 少許
- 糖 1茶匙
- 雞粉 (chicken powder
) 1/2茶匙
- 淡奶 (evaporated milk
) 1/4 can
- 咖哩葉(curry leaves
- 指天椒粒(按自己的喜好隨意,或不下)1至2隻
- 先把蝦剪腳,開背,去腸臟,洗淨瀝乾水份,備用。
- 燒熱油鑊把蝦炸至剛熟,撈起。放在廚房紙上吸去油份。備用。
- 下 2湯匙牛油在鑊中,小火煮至融解。下咖哩葉,辣椒(如果加的話)炒至聞到香味。加淡奶,糖,雞粉,並灑下少許鹽,用中火煮濃。把蝦倒回鑊中,不停翻炒,大火煮至汁收乾。灑下蒸熟壓碎的鹹蛋黃,即成,趁熱供食。
I am in Penang, Malaysia. We have similar one here, cooked with crab. People here called it salted egg crab "咸蛋蟹". Both my hb and I love it so much. Agree with you, curry leave is a must in this dish. Btw, original butter prawn called for normal egg yolks.
回覆刪除To Lydia,
回覆刪除The salted egg crab is very yummy too.
But I love Eric's version of butter prawns cooked with salted egg yolks. It's very unique and sensational.
回覆刪除I love butter prawns. Sometimes, they fry it with oats. There is a dry version too. :)
回覆刪除can I know wat is chicken powder? where to get it? can get from the wet market? Is it a must to add this item? Pls advice me ASAP, thk u...
回覆刪除To 匿名:
回覆刪除You can get chicken powder from any supermarkets or Asian grocery stores.
You can omit chicken powder for making dish if you can't find any.
Hi, Do you think that will still taste the same if i use bay leaf instead of curry leaf? cuz i live in saigon, and i can't find any curry leaf here :(
回覆刪除To Jess,
回覆刪除I think the taste wouldn't be much different, but the smell would. Try replacing with bay leaf if you like. It's not bad, although not authentic smell you'd get.
請問1/4 can 淡奶大約是多少ml??? 因為超級市場有大罐裝和小罐裝的淡奶賣, 我不知道該買那種... 請指教 =)
我用大罐的三花淡奶,覺得它比較香。1/4 can 大約90ml。你可用細罐,或隨個人口味增減的。