預備兩個長形模,各 12cmx22cmx6cm
- 高筋粉 370克
- 細砂糖 65克
- 鹽 5克
- 奶粉 12克
- 快速乾酵母 6克
- 蛋黃 1隻
- 全蛋液 30克
- 牛奶 125克
- 湯種(做法請參考這篇食譜) 120克
- 煉奶 28克
- 忌廉(動物性鮮奶油 whipping cream)75毫升
- 無鹽牛油(無鹽奶油 unsalted butter)35克

- 把所有材料(除牛油外)依次倒進麵包機(先放濕的材料,然後放下乾的材料):牛奶,忌廉,煉奶,蛋黃,蛋汁,湯種,鹽,糖,奶粉,高筋粉,最後放酵母。我習慣在麵粉中央撥開一小洞,把酵母放進去。
- 選擇麵包機的 "dough" 功能,材料搞拌至成一麵團,就放進已融解的牛油,繼續搞拌,至表面光滑。時間約 25至 30分鐘。
- 當麵包機停機,等待麵團第一次發酵完畢,見麵團發大兩倍。就取出,放在清潔的工作台上,灑點高筋粉。
- 用手按壓麵團,擠出空氣。切割成六等份,滾圓(見圖1)。用保鮮膜蓋著,室溫靜置 15分鐘。
- 用木棍把每個小麵團從中央向外滾成橢圓形(見圖2)。從上向下折1/3後,壓緊(見圖3)。再從下往上折1/3後,捏緊收口(見圖4)。將收口朝下, 把麵團用手滾長(見圖5),收口朝下,分別排放在兩個麵包模中,進行最後發酵(見圖6)。發酵至8分滿,塗上全蛋液後。放入已預熱至180C(356F)的焗爐中,焗約25至30分鐘。取出放在鐵架上放涼,即成。

- 芝士煙肉麵包【湯種法】Bacon and Cheese Bread
- 椰蓉麵包【湯種法】Coconut Custard Buns
- 菠蘿包【湯種法】Pineapple Buns
- 蘋果吉士包【湯種法】 Apple Custard Buns
- 北海道牛奶麵包【湯種法】Hokkaido Milk Toast
- 提子核桃麵包【湯種法】 Raisin Walnut Bread
- 臻子朱古力號角包【湯種法】 Nutella Cream Horns
- 日式綠茶紅豆包【湯種法】 Japanese Green Tea Bread with Red Bean Fillings
- 港式腸仔包【湯種法】Hong Kong Style Sausage Rolls
- 湯種的煮法,使用和保存法【麵包秘訣】 Tips on Cooking Tangzhong
- 如何焗麵包夠軟綿【兩個要訣】Tips on Making Soft Bread
- 紅豆包【湯種法】Red Bean Buns
- 全麥麵包【湯種法】 Tangzhong Wholemeal Toast
回覆刪除呵呵呵~~ 上周日第一次做湯種, 材料是木薯粉不是高粉,可惜麵糰有點乾, 不夠鬆軟, 體會不到湯種的優點. 也沒啥, 您也不是試了三次才試到最適合的食譜嗎?
回覆刪除這個配方, 要試!! 謝謝分享.
呵呵呵~~ 上周日第一次做湯種, 材料是木薯粉不是高粉,可惜麵糰有點乾, 不夠鬆軟, 體會不到湯種的優點. 也沒啥, 您也不是試了三次才試到最適合的食譜嗎?
回覆刪除這個配方, 要試!! 謝謝分享.
i used to eat this when I was in junior school! ah i miss those days when i was so naive!
回覆刪除To Michelle Chin,
回覆刪除"naive"?! Maybe some complicated things begin to get in our way, then we can't see the best in the simple things. Haha....
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除What kind of '奶粉'?
So you use the bread machine to prepare the dough and then bake it in oven. My bread machine is different from yours because i can't add yeast directly to the flour mixture. My machine has a yeast dispenser on top of the lid. Also the dough process time takes 2 hr 20 min. Do you think if i can use your method to try this pai bao?
回覆刪除我有以下問題, 怎麼辦呢>"<
回覆刪除1. 我沒有麵包機
2. 我有朋友對奶類敏感, 現在我所知的是牛奶可以用豆奶/米奶代替, 但蛋糕中的淡忌廉我又可以用什麼代替
To panxima:
回覆刪除Does the process of 2 hr 20 min including proofing and baking?
Do you know how long will your breadmaker take in kneading mode?
To 匿名:
回覆刪除It's full cream milk powder.
Hello Christine,
回覆刪除Thank you for sharing this recipe. I am really interested in trying this out! However, I do have a bread maker. May I know what bread maker you are using? I am considering to purchase one. By the way, do you have any tips on choosing the right bread maker? I would appreciate if you can share your advices. Thanks in advance and God bless you and your family!
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Thanks for sharing your recipe! I am very interested in trying this out! However, I do not have a bread maker at home. I am considering to buy one though; do you have any tips for me to choose a bread maker that will fit me? I have never used any bread maker before, so perhaps your advice would really help me out! What brand are you using? Can you share it with me, please? By the way, I just googled bread maker and saw this: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=bread+machine&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=318577536350460554&ei=DPjUTL-2N5L0tgP2i7mOCw&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CFIQ8wIwBA#p. What do you think??? I look forward to reading your reply. Thanks in advance, and may God bless you and your family.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除It look so nice, I can't buy this bread in here.
Miss it so much.
I will try it later when I get all the ingredients first.
Can you tell me the milk that you use is cold or warm, because in England is so cold now.
And can I use the slightly salted butter, it is melted?
Thanks for you recipe.
Mo mama
Hi Christine, the dough option in my bread machine includes rest, knead and rise and the whole process takes 2hr 20min. The kneading mode takes 15 to 30 min and then rise for 1hr 30min. What do u mean by "proofing"?
回覆刪除To Mo mama,
回覆刪除Use milk in room temperature.
For the butter, if it's not too salty, it's fine. Melted butter is ok for breadmaker.
To panxima,
"Proofing" is "rest". If you want to shape your dough, you have to turn your dough out after the 1st round of rest after the 30 min kneading. Don't be restricted by the prgramme set by your breadmaker, be flexible.
親愛的基斯汀, 您好. 見您自己醃咸蛋十分有趣, 我也學着您來個自醃雞蛋.
回覆刪除一個月時間到了, 急忙撈兩個蒸來試吃, 唉, 咸得很, 不知是否我的雞蛋個兒太小了? 是否要減一些醃制的時間, 還是減一點泡浸的時間才好?
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Thanks for your help, I bought the ingredients today, will make it tomorrow.
I wish I will success this time, but bread making is my weakness point. hahaha
Mo mama
回應vai ha ung:
To Roxanne:
回覆刪除My breadmaker is the very basic model of Sunbeam. I just use it for kneading.
If you just want a breadmaker to do the kneading job, just like me, any reliable breadmaker, basic model, will do.
I browsed the link you sent me. That's a Breadman. I haven't used it before, so I can't give you any advice. But one of my friends is using Breadman, although not the same model as yours. She said she's quite happy with her breadmaker.
Hi Christine:
回覆刪除Have been enjoying your recipe. I am also a very lazy person but miss HK food SO MUCH! 1. Anyway, when I was making this, the dough inside my bread machine was so not like a dough, more like a big bowl of paste, is it right? I ended up adding a lot of flour in it so I can work with it after it rise.
2. Also, somehow the outside of my bread always seem to burn. I tried to cook it shorter but worry the inside is not cooked. Coz I cook this for only 20-22 mins. Is that because I am using a cake pan instead of a bread mold pan?
3. Can I add melted butter? I always use softened butter but just wonder coz it's a lot easier to use melted butter.
4. I put some coconut stuff as filling, but had hard time closing it. Would you suggest just use water to close the bread or maybe I just need to learn how to shape bread?
Thank you so much! :)
You are awesome!
Dear Christine:
回覆刪除最近想自己做麵包給家人和小朋友吃,謝謝你的詳細分享,對我這個麵包新手大大大有幫助。這個排包做法(2)中的‘’已融解的牛油‘’,請問如何融解牛油呢?有空請解答。麻煩晒~ April
To question,
回覆刪除1. If it's like a paste, it's not right. Probably the dry ingredients were measured wrong. You saved your dough by adding a bit of flour, it's a proof.
2. If your bread got burned too quickly, the temperature of your oven might be a bit high. Reduce a little bit next time.
3.Yes, you can. I always use melted butter and it worked every time.
4. The fillings might be too greasy and make it hard to enclose the seam. Damp a bit of water to remove the oil or turn the inside dough out. See how it goes.
Hi, Christine
回覆刪除Thanks for share so many yummy receipes.
For the 排包做法(2), how to know it is 搞拌至成一麵團, my Panasonic breadmaker's Dough function will automatically do all the steps. Can I stop it halfway to add the butter as you said? When will be the most appropriate time to add the butter?
Hi Debbie,
回覆刪除When all the ingredients come together, that it becomes a ball shape, you can add the butter. Normally, I don't stop the breadmaker to add the butter. Just open the lid, and dump it in.
Dear Christine,
回覆刪除我沒有麵包機, 但我有Kitchenaid攪拌器, 其實係咪都係一樣做法呢?只係我冇得用dough 既function...
To Pat,
回覆刪除我的麵包機是 Sunbeam.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除What is whipping cream? I bought a whip cream that is in a spray can from the supermarket are they the same?
回覆刪除If it's in spray can, it's whipped cream. But whipping cream normally comes in cartoon, in liquid form.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I don't see it in the supermarket for whipping cream. Is it heavy cream?
回覆刪除Heavy cream is thicker.
If you can't find whipping cream, just skip it. The taste of the bread might have less milky flavour, yet it's still good.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除My bread machine's had an option of 1.5lb or 2lb
For the basic. Which one should I use?
回覆刪除Go for the 1.5lb for this recipe then.
回覆刪除謝謝你的分享! 我是新手, 用麵包機整的. 麵團第一次發酵完畢,大兩倍時取出, 但立即成泥漿咁 ,後來再加入200G高筋粉(bio, type 65) 不知問題出在那裡?? 請指教! 整了一個晚上.至凌晨4點, 終於算是成功了, 還挺軟綿, 但沒有一絲絲的, 正常嗎?
回覆刪除又是我, 我又有問題了, 這次我用了Bread maker, 結果好soft,好開心呀! 不過taste 唔係幾好, 是不是我沒有加奶粉, 我可以放什麼代替呢? Many thanks!!
成功啦!成功啦!我超開心呀! 好多謝你呀! Christine!! 多謝你的分享!
回覆刪除請問如果沒有'忌廉(動物性鮮奶油 whipping cream)75毫升'
HI..I want to check the dough model for ur bread machine.. How long it takes? Mine one is panasonic machine.It takes 2 hrs 20 mins for a dough mode.
回覆刪除Butter can add later!! Is that means I can open the machine and put the butter
@Natalie law:
回覆刪除Mine is not panasonic. Thought that every breadmaker would be more or less the same. The total time of 2 hrs 20 mins for a dough mode should include the proofing part. Please read your manual carefully before use. It should explain in details. Or else, check and record the time when you make the first dough with it.
The butter should be mixed in once all ingredients come together and form a ball shape. Don't add in too late or too early. Too late, the dough won't absorb the butter well, too early, the dough texture is not well formed.
@Natalie law:
回覆刪除Yes, open the cover and add butter.
不好意思, 我是新手...請問'第一次發酵'及'發酵至8分滿'分別大概需時幾耐? 謝!
今天剛做了這個排包,但結果跟某些網友一樣,在麵包機第一次發酵完拿出來時,非常sticky, 不能滾圓,勉強加多些粉,讓它最後發酵,但焗出來很肉酸,而且組織很多洞,不是你照片中的模樣,菠蘿飽也是很多洞,膈天已變硬,想請教是什麼原因?I live in New Zealand, the high grade flour is protein 11.5% is that OK?
回覆刪除@New comer:
回覆刪除噢,我用的高筋粉含蛋白質 13.5%
Hi Christie,
回覆刪除I really want to make this recipe, so its not possible to knead the dough manually?
@Mui Mui:
回覆刪除If it's not impossible, it's very difficult to knead by hand, I'm afraid, as the dough is very wet and sticky. Have you tried kneading dough by hand before? If so, you might take on this challenge.
Hello christine,
回覆刪除我好想請教你,我時常做蛋糕和甜點,所以好想買KitchenAid mixer. 但看到你用湯種做面包好成功,我亦都好想試,但我不知道應該買面包機還是kitchenaid mixer 好?可以比些意見?thanks
KitchenAid 和麵包機都可以搞打麵團,但 KitchenAid 可以打發蛋白霜,但麵包機不可以。麵包機可以焗麵包,但KitchenAid不可以。一言難盡呢。
我前幾日開始, 你post d相我全部睇唔到, 點算....之前都睇到架, 有無人教吓我點攪...
你試試清除電腦上的cookies, 瀏覽歷史,然後 refresh 瀏覽器,再 click 過來。看看如何?
回覆刪除这个周末要马上试试软滑排包,好想问问在你用的Whipping cream 是什么牌子?在超市可以买到吗?谢谢!
Hi CHristine,
回覆刪除I live in N.Z. and here the high grade flour is protein 11.5%, do you know anything I can add to get more protein to become a bread flour? Thanks!
回覆刪除我用 Paul's natural cream. 超市有得買。
回覆刪除If you only can find flour with 11.5% of protein, that's fine. It can make bread.
If you'd like more gluten, then you can add a bit of "vital wheat gluten". For this recipe, try adding 2.5 tsp of it.
,M s .ho妳好!
用麵包機搞打一個程序約 30分鐘後,成團夠筋性後。讓麵團留在麵包機裏面發酵。
倒出來,灑些手粉,就可以整形了。然後繼續下面的程序。OK 架~
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除终于成功左啦!好感谢你的RECIPE!!我做了个椰蓉排包,真系超软滑!!! 我用了你个椰蓉包的配包做椰蓉,然后放到排包里,超好吃啊!家人朋友都说好!放上两天还很软。就像在包店买的一样!实现了多年来的愿望!感觉真的很好!我重复了DOUGH程序一次,共搞打了一个钟,面团才可以张开一薄膜。下个周末我要试试纸包蛋糕了。
hi! 你好!
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除用 Instant Dry Yeast 啦,方便些,不用預先 activate.
Hi! Christine
見到你的麵包好吸引吖,跟食譜整,同其他網友一樣完全搓不到,請問應不應再粉?如加粉,加幾多?另我的麵包機是kenwood B M 250..請賜教
回覆刪除@SinSin HOME:
Hi! Christine
回覆刪除妳好,我用Kitchen Aid 的打面包机打面團是要用2号doug来打半小时吗?清指点
@Hi doug:
回覆刪除不好意思,我沒有 Kitchen Aid, 沒用過,不知道它搞打湯種麵團的效果如何。
Oh,ok. 咁個蛋汁是什麼呢?是全蛋液嗎?
回覆刪除Hi! Christine
回覆刪除妳好! 又用你個RECIPE整麵包啦!!麵包好成功啊~~我全程都係用手搓麵團,雖然過程好辛苦,好粘手,不過見到烤出來咁靚,都係值得既!多謝你既分享啊!!辛苦晒~
Thanks Christine for sharing this recipe, it was a great success!!! Check the photo out here :)
麵包的筋性很好, 撕開是這樣的 http://goo.gl/sSlDM
回覆刪除P.S. 我全程都是用手做的, 家裡沒有麵包機, 而且是第一次做麵包的呢... 所以說你的食譜真的很捧!!!
@Florence Tabo:
嘩, 得到大師級廚師的讚賞, 真係開心到上天!! 一定要繼續努力!!
回覆刪除what is 全蛋液 and what kind of 奶粉? is it specially for cake?
請問選擇麵包機的 "dough" 功能時, 應 set 1 pound or 1.5 pounds before start? 怎樣去衡量呢?
回覆刪除用 1.5 pounds 吧~
刪除Dear Christine, 十分感謝你慷慨分享此食譜, 我昨晚成功照你的食譜做了兩大盤排包! 麵包機是本月初買的, 用了6, 7次, 大部份都是依照你的食譜做不同的麵包! 樂趣真的很多, 又可以和別人分享成品~ 太謝謝你了!!
回覆刪除P.S. 你的食物成品照片都很美!!
謝謝 Christine 的慷慨分享, 我是本月初才買了麵包機, 大部分成品都是跟你提供的食譜做的, 做麵包樂趣多, 期待做出更多種類麵包, 跟摯愛分享!
回覆刪除P.S. 你網頁的照片都拍得很有質感!
Hi Christine,
是牛奶 125克。
Hi Christine,
刪除1. My bread maker's dough function has Rest, Knead and Rise, the dough can be shaped after this operation. Do I still need to turn out the "Rest" for this PaiBao recipe for better result?
2. When is the better time to add the butter? Half time of doing knead?
Thank you!
Hi Christine, how long dose the first round of rise take after the kneading?
回覆刪除It all depends on the temperature and weather. Normally, it takes about 40 minutes at 28C.
刪除hi, Christine,
回覆刪除你好!我今日第一次整呢個pai bao, 用breadmaker 發完一次, 拿出來"猜",好痴手, 點樣可以好似你d 相咁做到咁靚. 我又怕猜個時會落得太多高根粉而影響效果. 而家焗緊, 我聞下隻手, 仍然有好香的奶同包味. 希望今次食得入口.