
食譜源自 Almostbourdain
- 上海麵 一包 450克
- 甜麵醬 2湯匙(如想濃味些,可酌量增加)
- 豬肉碎 500克(原食譜沒有。我自行加醃料,見下)
- 油 1湯匙
- 糖 1茶匙
- 薑蓉 1/2茶匙
- 蒜蓉1茶匙
- 老抽 1茶匙
- 水 1/2杯(我用金寶減鹽雞湯)
- 紅蘿蔔(切幼絲)1 條
- 青瓜(切幼絲)1 條
- 蔥粒(裝飾用) 酌量

- 生抽(醬油)2茶匙
- 粟粉(玉米粉)1茶匙
- 糖 1/2茶匙
- 紹酒 1茶匙
- 胡椒粉 少許
- 燒熱鑊,下油。加豬肉碎(我先把豬肉碎和醃料拌勻,約15分鐘)。炒至微黃色。加薑蓉,蒜蓉,炒勻,直至聞到香味。
- 加甜麵醬,老抽炒勻。
- 倒進 1/2杯水/雞湯,煮至滾(煮開)後,轉小火,繼續煮至汁濃稠。加糖調味。
- 跟包裝紙上說明,煮上海麵。撈起瀝乾水份。分別盛在 4個碗中。
- 把炒熟的豬肉碎分別放在上海麵的上面。
- 灑下蔥粒。用紅蘿蔔和青瓜裝飾。即成。

Hi Christine, first of all, I am a big fan of your blog. I find the recipes are easy and tasty and your photography are excellent. One little comment on the Zha Jiang noodles. You mention it is Shanghai style but my grandma make it the identical way like your recipe. Her family was from Beijing. My maternal grandma was from southern part of China. She added chopped 豆腐乾, bamboo shoots and adamame in it. It was more the southern style. Just for your information. Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes and cooking tips. Keep on the good works.
回覆刪除To allie,
回覆刪除Thanks for your info. It's a new creation from Ellie, that she experienced the similar dish at a Shanghai restaurant. I think people love cooking in their own way and create something different to suit their own tastes. I still want to call this dish/recipe as "Shanghai style", as authentic Shanghai noodles was used. In Hong Kong (Southern part of China of course), the noodles restaurants use yellow egg noodles, not these white thick noodles as picture shown on this post. FYI, click the link in this post to wikipedia, you'll find one of the classic versions is very like the dish I cooked here, including the main ingredients, pork mince and sweet bean sauce.
Love you sharing your family's cooking method.
I have only made the Korean version before. I love jajang that I even use the meat sauce to go with rice and Korean rice cakes!!!
回覆刪除你好啊 christine:)
Did you make the grounded pork yourself? It does not look like the ones I see in the supermarket. If you did, what kind of pork did you use?
回覆刪除To Dawn,
回覆刪除I bought the ground pork from an Asian butcher nearby.
Hi Christine,