
基絲汀@簡易食譜類別: 小炒
菜系: 亞洲
分量: 2 至 3 人

- 雞腿肉(切粗塊)700克
- 魚露 3湯匙
- 椰糖 1½湯匙
- 香茅(白色部份剁碎)2枝
- 粟粉(玉米粉)1茶匙
- 紅蔥頭(切碎) 2粒
- 蒜蓉 2茶匙
- 紅辣椒(切碎)2隻
- 洋蔥(切錯塊) 1個
- 雞湯 4湯匙
- 把魚露與椰糖拌勻,讓糖完全溶解後,加入一半的香茅碎,一半的蒜蓉,一半的辣椒,粟粉和雞肉拌勻。封好,放入雪櫃冷凍約一小時。
- 拿出雞肉,放置室溫中一會。燒熱油鑊,下另一半香茅,用中火爆香。加蒜蓉,辣椒,紅蔥爆香。
- 轉大火,加入雞肉(醃料留用),排放好,不要彼此重疊。切勿兜炒雞肉以免出水。把雞肉兩面煎至微黃色。加洋蔥炒至軟身。倒進雞湯和醃料,加蓋煮約 5分鐘,直至水份收乾一半。上碟,灑下蔥段,即成。趁熱供食。
- 不同牌子的魚露,鹹度不同,自己要調節一下。
- 我是用這隻魚露 fish sauce
- 椰糖美香清甜。如果沒有, 可用紅糖,或白糖代替。
- 由於囡囡不吃芫荽,所以沒下。用芫荽更香呢~
Lovely recipe! Thanks for sharing. :D I love lemongrass chicken with broken rice. ;)
回覆刪除您這邊颱風, 我這邊大寒, 這個地球, 真的是反常了, 天災不斷, 是人為? 是自然? 我們大家都有責任去想一想, 做一堅持, 多出一分力.
回覆刪除Looks delicious, I like lemon grass flavoured dishes too!
回覆刪除@Michelle Chin
回覆刪除Thank you, Michelle. Happy New Year!
回覆刪除Me too. Love lemon grass. :)
The ingredients and cooking method shown in the English version is very different from the Chinese one...
回覆刪除Are you asking if this recipe is different from this one?
They are two different dishes actually.
May I know can I substitute the chicken stock with plain water?
@Sarah's Daddy and Mommy:
回覆刪除Yes, you could use plain water instead of chicken stock. :)
Thanks Christine for your quick reply.
回覆刪除I will try the recipe by next week and let you know the outcome yeah.
Hi Christine, is me again:-)
回覆刪除I have tried the recipe the other day, my husband and I like it.
But I have few lil problems I faced during the cooking process.
1) As for step3; when I slightly pan fried the chicken with other ingredients like lemongrass, shallots and etc, it seems like before the chicken skin turned yellowish, the ingredients were almost turned brown and sooner burnt.
Therefore, I push the ingredients at one side while I pan fried the chicken, is that correct?
2) With 4 tbsp of chicken stock, my chicken is not fully cooked.
Therefore I added almost till 6 to 7 tbsp of liquid to the chicken.
@Sarah's Daddy and Mommy:
回覆刪除As you know, the temperature of every stove and utensil used are very diferent, feel free to adjust whatever to suit your case. When it comes to cooking, we are looking for the best result of dishes, the recipe is a good starting point, and for reference.
The temperature of your stove must be higher than mine, so the chicken stock was gone very quickly. Add more if needed to get the chicken cooked through is the point. You did it right.
我昨晚煮了這味菜, 很好味, 但賣相到底都不及你所做的, 看你的圖, 看不見有香茅碎, 唔知係唔係我用 Blender 打碎關係,成碟雞都蓋著那些香茅"蓉"
回覆刪除我想請問香茅只要白色部份, 你會用 Blender 打, 還是切碎, 香茅好硬, 感覺有點難切粒,(不像 garlic 般),請問用 Blender 打會唔會無咁好?
我用刀拍扁,稍切,然後用 food processor 搞爛,出味和香些。
Christine, I just recently discovered your blog and have tried a few recipes and all of them have turned out great including this lemon grass chicken.
回覆刪除I am a full time working mom with two young kids (3yrs old and 15 month-old), your recipes have helped me to get dinner ready on time and given so many great ideas. Thank you Christine!!
回覆刪除Glad that you like my recipes.
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