新春期間不愁沒美食,多的是呢。只怕是沒足夠時間去消化而已。煎炸油膩的美食常放在眼前,或多或少,也吃不少,口腔也會乾呢。剛巧有幸金寶湯再次邀請合作創作食譜。過年吃膩了,做個平衡胃口的菜式吧。試試這個瑤柱海鮮蝦丸小包子,為應節起見,給它一個蠻有新春氣息的別名:『開心哈哈包』。腐皮包裹著彈牙的蝦丸子,即成『哈哈包』(“蝦”:廣東話跟 “哈” 同音)。一包子,一口吃,爽呢。清蒸健康,兼而多汁,帶給家人歡樂氣氛。
做蝦膠肉要彈牙,可能大家聽過或試過很多方法,例如順著一個方向搞拌,或是用手撻蝦肉數十下等等。但若蝦肉不夠新鮮的話,總難以做出QQ質感的蝦膠。今次又來分享一個小秘訣,很容易增加蝦丸子的彈性。Click 去金寶湯網站看看食譜,你能發現到嗎?
These look really pretty!
回覆刪除What brand do you use for the bean curd sheet? I always find the one I buy from Brisbane very salty.
回覆刪除Making the frozen shrimp crunchy (Dan-Ya) like fresh ones ... Use some salt to marinate the Shrimp for 15 mins and then rinse the salt w/water.
回覆刪除@Veronica's Kitchen:
回覆刪除Sorry, forgot to mark down. Get back to you if I can.
What brand you use then?
Hmm....It shouldn't be salty.
回覆刪除Thanks for your tip.
I just share one more tip on my post if anyone finds their shrimp paste is not springy as they expect, having done all the methods. This tip posted here is actually from an executive chinese chef. Shhhhh...
Love all these CNY recipes I'm seeing hehe :) It reminds me of the dishes my grandmother will make ~ Too bad my boyfriend and I are on a diet where we can't have prawns >_<
回覆刪除I forgot the brand name, it's a China brand and I brought them from 頂好 at Sunnybank. If I wrapped it with meat and deep-fried, it tastes very salty. If I steamed it, it tastes oily and a bit tough. I've just given up making dishes with bean curd pastry even though I love them.
回覆刪除@Veronica's Kitchen:
回覆刪除I got the dried bean curd sheets from Yuen's.
I often use a clean damp cloth to wipe the sheets before use. So it won't be too oily.
回覆刪除Dear Christine, I can't buy the can of soup (瑤柱海鮮羹) from supermarkets. How can I make the soup as a substitute?
回覆刪除If you can't get your hands on it, you may use any brand of chicken stock that comes in handy for you. Then cook with dried scallops and favourite seafood as a soup base for making this dish. I think it'll work too.
刪除Thanks, Christine.