Hi Christine, I've never come across oyster mushroom, is it available in the UK to your knowledge? Thank you
Sorry, I'm not living in UK, so no idea. But you can substitute it with any fresh mushrooms that come in handy to you because this dish is supposed to be cooked very quickly. Fresh shiitake mushroom will work beautifully.
I am not living in the UK but I remember seeing the oyster mushroom in M&S and Waitrose.
Hi Cathy,Thanks so much for the headup. It helps a lot for the UK readers.
Yes there is oyster mushroom in all supermarkets, Tesco, Sainsbury, etc. I always buy them.
Hi Cissy,Thanks a lot. Great to know.
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Hi Christine, I've never come across oyster mushroom, is it available in the UK to your knowledge? Thank you
回覆刪除Sorry, I'm not living in UK, so no idea.
刪除But you can substitute it with any fresh mushrooms that come in handy to you because this dish is supposed to be cooked very quickly.
Fresh shiitake mushroom will work beautifully.
I am not living in the UK but I remember seeing the oyster mushroom in M&S and Waitrose.
回覆刪除Hi Cathy,
刪除Thanks so much for the headup. It helps a lot for the UK readers.
Yes there is oyster mushroom in all supermarkets, Tesco, Sainsbury, etc. I always buy them.
回覆刪除Hi Cissy,
刪除Thanks a lot. Great to know.