自從買了這個 Instant Pot 回來,差不多每天都試驗它。再來玩玩它的燜煮功能。買了些豬軟骨,丟進去用高壓煮,35分鐘後,肉就很稔呢。再來加了白蘿蔔,熬出的日式風味的汁料更甜美。肉也差點丟下來,要很小心用筷子拿起,才可有完整的模樣給基斯汀拍照啊。
這道餸菜配飯或湯麵,都很適合呢。噢,如果沒有這 Instant Pot 也可用普通煲在爐火上煮,請參看食譜下的溫馨提示。
類別: 壓力煲, 豬肉
菜系: 亞洲
分量: 2 至 3人

類別: 壓力煲, 豬肉
菜系: 亞洲
分量: 2 至 3人

有關壓力煲 Instant Pot:
- 我的 Instant Pot 是較早前在 Amazon (UK) 買,因為電壓適合澳洲用 (220 volts)。這兒啊。
- 如果是美國,就要到 Amazon (US) 吧。
- 如住加拿大,就到 Amazon (CA) 吧。
- 住澳洲的,現在澳洲 Amazon 也有得買呢。可以click 到這兒Amazon (AU) 訂購.
- 豬軟骨 820克
- 薑 4片
- 蒜頭(剁蓉) 1粒
- 日本低鹽醬油 60毫升(3湯匙)
- 味醂 40毫升(2湯匙)
- 米酒 20毫升(1湯匙)
- 白米醋 3茶匙
- 冰糖(切碎)10克( ½ 湯匙)
- 水 1杯
- 白蘿蔔(去皮切粗塊) 400克
- 鹽 酌量
- 蔥粒(裝飾用) 酌量
- 粟粉(玉米粉)2茶匙
- 水1湯匙

- 豬軟骨汆水,撈起瀝乾水分。備用。
- 預備 Instant Pot,按快炒 “Saute” 中火制,燒熱油。把豬軟骨兩面煎至微黃色。分量比較多,分兩批煎,然後把所有豬軟骨倒回鍋中。
- 加入薑片,蒜蓉,醬油,味醂,米酒,米醋,冰糖和水。加蓋“密封”(sealing). 按燜肉 “Meat/Stew” 制,煮 35分鐘。小心放氣轉至 “Venting”,待活塞下降,打開蓋。加入白蘿蔔。再次加蓋 “密封”(sealing). 按燜肉 “Meat/Stew” 制,煮 10分鐘。小心轉至 “Venting” 放氣,見活塞下降後,開蓋用 “Saute” 把汁收乾 1/3. 加鹽調味,拌入粟粉水,煮至喜歡的濃稠度,灑下蔥粒,即成。趁熱享用。
- 我在打開蓋,加入白蘿蔔前,把汁倒進一隔油壺中去油後,再倒回鍋中,才加蘿蔔繼續煮。如沒有隔油壺,如見汁面有油分,可用大湯匙掏出。吃得健康呢。
- 如果沒有壓力煲,也可用普通煲燜煮。記得要加多 2杯水。步驟做法跟食譜一樣。只是煮滾後把爐火轉中小火,燜 1½小時。完成前 20分鐘,加白蘿蔔,就是了。
- 用冰糖煮,汁料增添亮澤呢。
用 le Creuset 可以嗎?
回覆刪除當然可以。Creuset 燜餸一流。
Looks good.
回覆刪除What dose 豬軟骨 called in English at the grocery store?
Hi Albert,
刪除Thanks for dropping by.
I got 豬軟骨 from a nearby Asian butcher. The label on the packaging was "pork soft bone". I think it's not too accurate. 豬軟骨 is a part of pork ribs. Some people call it pork cartilage.
謝謝分享!買了Phillips all cooker 一年非常少用這款壓力煲,現在終於有機會加以利用了!希望功能和你的這款instant pot 一樣!
Hi Hamtaru,
刪除可以用功能這食譜試驗你的 Phillips all cooker . 可能只需些微調節。
豬軟骨,有人叫它 “pork cartilage”
Hi Christine,
Hi Sylvia,
你也是用 Instant Pot 嗎?
Hi Christine, Does the cartilage get tender like beef tendons after you pressure cooked it? My husband hates the cartilage part of the ribs as I usually smoked the whole thing and make him eat it, our stores never separate st louis cut and the rib tips, they just cut it right down the middle.... i may make a stew out of it next time.
回覆刪除To cook cartilage, might take longer time. A pressure cooker can do this job very well and very fast. Try to pick some cartilage with more meat on. We don't eat bones you know. But the meat on bones is really nice.
刪除Hi Christine, I am tempted to buy this instant cooker. Do you have the 6 litre or 8 litre one? Is it absolutely safe to use? I am worried about explosions. Thanks
回覆刪除Hi Sandy,
刪除Mine is 6 liter one. I haven't experienced any problem so far. If following the instructions in the user manual, I don't see any problem at all.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除你好,我都係住在 Brisbane, 請問你喺边度買豬軟骨?
Hi Katz,
刪除到 Market Square 或 Inala 肉店買。
I want to try out this. I didn't know instant pot could make so many dishes. Thanks for sharing.
回覆刪除Hi C Wong,
回覆刪除Thanks for dropping by. Sure, IP can make many delicious dishes.
Welcome you to come back for more yummy recipes.
我的壓力煲很舊款,沒有設定功能, 也不是用電的,只能用於家裡的電磁爐。 請問如果我用我的壓力煲做這個菜的時候,火候怎樣調節呢? 謝謝。
回覆刪除Hi Ahbei,
祝 Happy cooking!